Pictures of England


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What is the most photographed TOWN. ( not city )

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quotePosted at 20:33 on 15th August 2010
Patrick the information on Brighton above was from Wikipedia (I should have said so!)
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Patrick Hogan
Patrick Hogan
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quotePosted at 20:54 on 15th August 2010


 I have just looked on 'Google images' and Stratford upon Avon has..... About 960,000 results

More work to do .




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Patrick Hogan
Patrick Hogan
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quotePosted at 21:16 on 15th August 2010

OH NO !!!!!!!!!

 I have just looked at Stratford ON Avon and there are a staggering  1,160,000 images.   Yes over ONE MILLION.

Regards, Patrick.Smile

Edited by: Patrick Hogan at:15th August 2010 21:17
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 21:20 on 15th August 2010
no rest for you to-night patrick
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Patrick Hogan
Patrick Hogan
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quotePosted at 21:30 on 15th August 2010

I am wondering if we can add them together and have over 2,000,000 images !

 my brain hurts now...................

regards, patrick.

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quotePosted at 21:33 on 15th August 2010
Would anyone actually want that many images?  There must be hundreds of exactly the same thing, what would be the point?
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Patrick Hogan
Patrick Hogan
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quotePosted at 21:40 on 15th August 2010

I agree..............  We should be very happy with the images on P.O.E , at least they are personal and special to us all.


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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 01:13 on 16th August 2010
On 15th August 2010 19:40, Marjorie Pope wrote:

The following are cities:

London, York, Lincoln, Oxford, Bath, Liverpool, Brighton and Portsmouth.

And so are Preston and St David's in Wales and I dare say quite a few more are as well.  England has 50 cities, plus there's those in Scotland and Wales as well, of course.

Edited by: Paul Hilton at:16th August 2010 01:19
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Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 01:24 on 16th August 2010
On 15th August 2010 20:19, cathyml wrote:
OK I googled it and it reports that Brighton is a major part of the City of Brighton & Hove which is made up of the previous towns Brighton, Hove, Portslade and several other villages.  So it would appear that Brighton itself is not a City but that Brighton & Hove (and all the other little villages) are a City. ???

I think Brighton and Hove ( combined) became a city in 2000.
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Marjorie Pope
Marjorie Pope
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quotePosted at 08:15 on 16th August 2010
Yes, Brighton and Hove (usually known as Brighton) was granted city status in 2000 as part of the Millennium celebrations.
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