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Cut and Paste

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Posts: 23275
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Location: South Africa
quotePosted at 17:14 on 9th March 2010
Need some help and advice for a severly technically challenged member of POE. Me.  I don't seem to be able to cut and paste to the forum if I am in Firefox, comes up with a little box that tells me I can't do it.  So tried using Explorer instead and it still didn't work.  Tried both jpg and bitmap, but that wasn't the answer.  Krissy says she just does it, but doesn't know how - it just works for her - but it wont work for me.  Any suggestions?
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
Posts: 8072
Joined: 25th Jul 2007
Location: USA
quotePosted at 03:50 on 13th March 2010

Hi Cathy:  The only time I've been able to paste an image that wasn't a POE pic into a thread was if it was copied from a web page.  And I've never been able to paste whilst in Firefox.


My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
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