Pictures of England


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Ramsgate White Cliffs


a Seaside Town in the county of Kent

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Why are my photos "in stock"

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Dave John
Dave John
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Posted at 19:24 on 6th November 2014

Just a thought James, Ruth, Edward, I wonder if for any reason they have not yet been confirmed!! That would explain why Jools can see them and we cannot. Is that something you can do James or is it down to Ron, Chris or Sarah. That's all I think it can be.

Jools, are the pictires hilighted in red by any chance?? if so that means that POE has not yet confirmed them. 


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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 19:25 on 6th November 2014
The posts were not deleted willy nilly Jools the majority of them were duplicated-
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James Prescott
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Posted at 19:30 on 6th November 2014

Dave all i can do is keep the site free and clear i cant interfere with pictures --as you say it is up to Ron,Chris and Sarah to solve it.


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Dave John
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Posted at 19:34 on 6th November 2014
I wasn't sure on that James but not having seen the earlier posts and just reading between the lines I think a lot of frustration has built up which is no good for all concerned or POE in general. Lets see if Ron, Chris or Sarah can let us have a solution.
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James Prescott
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Posted at 19:35 on 6th November 2014
Correct Dave  100%Smile
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Dave John
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Posted at 19:43 on 6th November 2014

Just put a mail onto Ron so hopefully can investigate and resolve this totally unnecessary situation

But the only though I have is that the pictures have not been confirmed yet by POE

Jools, can you copy and paste the wording on the page, as I did earlier, where you can see the photos, that might give us a clue. Because at the moment they are definitely NOT up for general viewing

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Jools Hobbs-watson
Jools  Hobbs-watson
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Posted at 19:47 on 6th November 2014

James - yes the posts are being duplicated ... not by me BUT the last post you deleted wasn't duplicated. I'm guessing you deleted it because I said I would contact the Site Owners direct

Dave ... I agree with what you have said and I have emailed "admin" hoping this email address gets to the owners of the Site, if not .. I will phone them. Thanks to everybody who got involved hoping to "calm the storm" - I simply asked a question about the "stock photos" (now deleted??) and appear to have got "jumped upon" by Ruth initially - to her credit she did later try and help so thank you Ruth. But James ... you still appear to have a problem with me .. and before you delete this post out of hand, I have saved it and will repost if you delete it. I will now wait for a reply from my email. Thanks Dave et al for seeing it for what it really is.. I am in no way an aggressive person, I am a 50 something quiet person with a disabled child who shys away from confrontation and a new camera bought with money my Mum left me in her Will .. and I just would like an easy life.

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 19:55 on 6th November 2014
I dont have any problem with you Jools--let us hope this is solved as soon as possible and you can get back and enjoy your pictures and join us in the forums.
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Jools Hobbs-watson
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Posted at 19:57 on 6th November 2014

James - yes the posts are being duplicated ... not by me BUT the last post you deleted wasn't duplicated. I'm guessing you deleted it because I said I would contact the Site Owners direct

Dave ... I agree with what you have said and I have emailed "admin" hoping this email address gets to the owners of the Site, if not .. I will phone them. Thanks to everybody who got involved hoping to "calm the storm" - I simply asked a question about the "stock photos" (now deleted??) and appear to have got "jumped upon" by Ruth initially - to her credit she did later try and help so thank you Ruth. But James ... you still appear to have a problem with me .. and before you delete this post out of hand, I have saved it and will repost if you delete it. I will now wait for a reply from my email. Thanks Dave et al for seeing it for what it really is.. I am in no way an aggressive person, I am a 50 something quiet person with a disabled child who shys away from confrontation and a new camera bought with money my Mum left me in her Will .. and I just would like an easy life.

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Dave John
Dave John
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Posted at 20:00 on 6th November 2014

Jools, I have not seen all the deleted posts but I don't really think Ruth's initial post was rude or antagonistic at all, a bit short and to the point maybe but us folk from 'up north' don't like to waste anything let alone our wordsWink but having known Ruth on here for a couple of years I am sure it was not her intention to upset.

So lets hope Ron, Chris and Sarah can resolve the situation and we can all get back to what POE is all about. Great pictures of this land of ours and a bit of FUN in the forums. Get all this frustration and what I can only say are misunderstandings out of the way. Don't be put off by all this Jools, the site is one of the best on the web and once you get the feel of it, and usUndecided hopefully, you will feel much more at home

By the way ... WELCOME TO THE SITE ....

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