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quotePosted at 07:07 on 20th October 2008

Thanks for the stroll Ruth, it was pleasant but I see what you mean.

But even in England you would have to pick your area's.

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 07:26 on 20th October 2008

Some might not readily recall that in the 1500's,  the most popular month for getting married was June.  The good reason for this was most people had their yearly bath in May, so come June, they were still comparatively fresh.  But, just so the bride was especially so, she had a bouquet of flowers as a sort of deoderant; the origins of this tradition, still handed down today.

But---there was a pecking order in who bathed when, and was the men first, then any sons, then the ladies and daughters and finally, any babies. But, by this time the bath water was probably looking a bit grim, and a baby might not be seen in it's murcky depths, hence the expression ---don't throw the baby out with the bath water---came into being.

Edited by: Paul Hilton at:20th October 2008 07:28
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quotePosted at 07:32 on 20th October 2008
Pheeeeeeeewwww thanks for that info Paul, thank the lord you all bath once a week now......... lol Wink
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 12:40 on 20th October 2008
I thought that it was bath time every may still. You learn something new every day on POE. He he he

Edited by: Peter Evans at:20th October 2008 12:41
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Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 14:23 on 20th October 2008
Remind me not to come too close Peter! LOL  SurprisedLaughing
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 15:07 on 20th October 2008
On 20th October 2008 07:06, Paul Hilton wrote:

Thanks for the tour around your neighborhood Ruth.  Nice blue skies, empty roads and wide too. Enjoyed your Apache landscape ones too. Not far from Overton, where you took your station sign photo, is Whitchurch which has an American looking neighborhood in one part, though the house prices are more typically English !

The village of Overton is about a mile south of the station you stopped at, then a few  minutes later, you would have gone through Whitchurch station. Spent a lot of time looking at properties around there but the ones we liked were 1) hardly ever on the market, or 2) horrendously expensive; at least £400,000 then upwards.

Hi Paul:  Thanks for the info.  I guess if I ever move to England (in your dreams, RG, lol) it won't be the Overton area.  I remember reading about the origin of "throwing the baby out with the bath water," with a bunch of other sayings origins.  I'll have to dig thru my stuff to see if I can find it.  It was fascinating.

Here's an old saying about baths:

I take a bath every Saturday night whether I need one or not.  Anonymous



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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 15:53 on 20th October 2008


I think it was Queen Victoria who said, "I take a bath once a month whether I need it or not". And she was not Amused.

Edited by: Peter Evans at:20th October 2008 19:46
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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 16:06 on 20th October 2008
I can't stand to go without a shower. YUK! Tongue out
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Alan Marron
Alan Marron
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quotePosted at 16:39 on 20th October 2008
On 20th October 2008 15:53, Peter Evans wrote:


I think it was Queen Victoria who said, "I ake a bath once a month whether I deen it or not". And she was not Amused.

Once a month?  Obviously amused was not the only thing she wasn't!  LOL Undecided
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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 17:24 on 20th October 2008
Peter - this is strange - it said you posted a comment to here and when I looked you weren't here. It's that Halloween thread causing mayhem again!
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