Pictures of England


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Ten things that you love:

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Rod BurkeyPremier Member - Click for more info
Rod Burkey
Posts: 554
Joined: 2nd Sep 2008
Location: UK
quotePosted at 10:15 on 4th May 2009
Great topic and inspiring too.
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Emma Utting
Emma Utting
Posts: 715
Joined: 12th Sep 2008
Location: UK
quotePosted at 12:07 on 4th May 2009

1. my doggie Tilly

2. shane (he is no1 with tilly)

3. family/ friends

4. chocolate

5. watchin movies

6. holidays

7. the sun/warm weather

8. My mobile phone/laptop

9. Norfolk/ Norwich

10. Work

Great Thread, Emmaxx


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Peggy Cannell
Peggy Cannell
Posts: 217
Joined: 28th Jun 2006
Location: UK
quotePosted at 14:51 on 4th May 2009

1. Family

2. Friends

3. Home

4. Great Britain




8The Sea.

9.Poe Website

10. Good Health to enjoy all of the above

My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
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