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Rail accident - Washington DC

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Shirley K. Lawson
Shirley K. Lawson
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Location: USA
quotePosted at 20:25 on 23rd June 2009

When I was back there in Boston, and on an tour bus, I was talking to the driver, as our old mayor and then Govenor was on the Federal Board of Transporation back then. One of my lady friends had been one of the Mayor's secretaries at City Hall. He was telling me then about the roads for Boston, how difficult it is for the tour buses to turn the corners in the older town part, esp if there are cars present, and how he would like to see an two story highway over Boston, with the top highway for car and bike travel only and the lower sections for trucks, emergency and  buses only. So I put the word to this politican when I got the chance for him. I was back there one time with my cousin, on truck with my son, doing an scout career paper and we were in Boston when an lady takes a look at him coming in his truck (loaded) and pulled out in front of him, so she wouldn' t have to follow him and be slowed down, he stopped for her, and I looked at him and he said, it happens all the time to us. My brother came home white an sheet one day, he was driving an huge loaded down dump truck, when some dude decided to try to beat him off an highway ramp onto the Freeway, they Locked" bumpers nearly, and he "pushed him" going 70 MPH down the road until he could slowly ease up enough to stop safely. They gave him the rest of the day off to recouperate. He said, I was so afraid.. I'd just drive over the top of the car loaded like I was, an kill the guy....sevreal others in every which way around me also...but I didn't...thank God!  Portland tends to above ground transpotation, we know we are earthquake prone up here now and then, we don't push the issue.

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 21:01 on 23rd June 2009

People are stupid and thoughtless aren't they Shirley? They're so afraid of letting anyone in front of them that they don't even stop to think that a large vehicle can't just stop on a dime. They are literally taking their lives and the lives of everyone else involved in their hands.


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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 21:12 on 23rd June 2009
How true is that Diana?
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