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Forced Swine Flu shots in Massachusetts

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quotePosted at 17:39 on 24th September 2009
On 24th September 2009 17:35, Jason T wrote:

Think we gotta hope our immune systems are strong enough to cope!!  



NOW EAT YOUR GREENS!!!!{$lang_emotions_tongue-out}

Now see...they don't really promote that sort of thing here. They don't explain to kids at school the benefit of a healthy diet...a true healthy diet. Tater tots and mystery meat hamburgers are not completley healthy for you!!  I have to force mine to eat well and explain over and over again why...especially with Erin getting sick so often!!!!

This is what the powers that be need to promote!!

I've also heard that they suggest TWO vaccinations for children!!! Surprised

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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 17:40 on 24th September 2009
so you said it twice then ?Wink
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 17:41 on 24th September 2009
Are you seeing things, Rhett? Wink Lol. I deleted one. Tongue out
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quotePosted at 17:42 on 24th September 2009
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 17:47 on 24th September 2009
i saw it,,,i swear i did 
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Shirley K. Lawson
Shirley K. Lawson
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quotePosted at 18:58 on 24th September 2009

I had my first near "death-experince" from the Asian flu bug, but we felt as they called in the state it was an implanted case by an union trying ot get into our nursing it was an potentially strong vial he used of it. It spread like wildfire also, and in an few hours time. A lot of people died back then, including the daugher of an 17 year old friend of mine...whom worked there.Two years ago, they told me I was an "risk" patient and should have both an pnuemonia shot and an flue shot, so I got them both and was told later on that if was the wrong kind for the flu bug going around that year..They said the pnuemonia shot should last several years. They just confirmed yesterday the first "swine flu" here and my grand-daughter has been home for couple of days, she started out with an highg temperature and been sleeping an lot, the school has called me everyday so far, wanting ot knwo what her symptoms are, I guess if they get so many kids out that they now have to close down the school. The biologist that came in our place on the "Asian flu" told us it would of nver taken it's toll so badly had we not been so clean...that you build up an certain amount o fimmunity being exposed to enviormental conditions..that doesn't mean you need to not be clean, but being overly clean isn't an help either. Fresh air does an lot to kill and keep down these bugs at times....just beware though of chemtrailing and not be out in it if possible.I don't like the idea of someone telling your to do something against your own will I said, I watched an friend making her mother "walk" because she had broken her lower leg, and she cried all through it...and her daughter thinking she was "OLD" was making her do it, and I said to her, you know your mother is "tough" and has been all  her life, I'd go back and have it checked out..she did...they had "set" her bone incorrectly, and you know what happnened, the forcing her to walk on it eventually caused her having her leg amputated from the knee down. There is an woman that says the breathing in of fresh air and exhaling done correctly is the same as walking excerise...when your out walking and you swing yoru arms, it causes your chest to expand with more air...and she has an whole series of excerises just for patients that are sedetary, she claims could be an life-saver.The same theory for weight bench lifters applies here on an grander scale, and look at the muscels they have.

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Shirley K. Lawson
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quotePosted at 19:00 on 24th September 2009
"Here" being Vancouver, Washingotn state....sorry about that!
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Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 20:06 on 24th September 2009
On 24th September 2009 17:35, Diana Sinclair wrote:
Me too, Krissy. I am a cumpulsive hand washer. I won't touch door knobs with my bare hands either. At least, not if I can help it.
You won't touch door handles, knobs etc with your bear hand? Tut, what is the world coming to?Lol
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Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 20:51 on 24th September 2009
What are you picking on me for, Ron? I got "bare" right...didn't I? Wink
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Barbara Shoemaker
Barbara Shoemaker
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quotePosted at 17:12 on 25th September 2009

To quote my 23-year-old daughter, "That's nuts!  What if they go to someone's house who just got vaccinated and the "list" had not been updated!  Lawsuit waiting to happen......."  What if they find us suffering from a really bad cold?  Are they going to hand out certificates declaring that we've had our shots so we can prove that we got them?  Maybe give us a little dog tag to wear. 

I've been getting flu shot for the past 2-3 years and have not been sick, beyond a minor head cold or 24-hour bug.  I think I have a fairly sturdy constitution.  To my knowledge, most if not all the people who have died after contracting H1N1 had preexisting, underlying health conditions/diseases.  I haven't heard of any otherwise-healthy people dying from it.

Rick, spinach and salmon - YUM!


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