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Miya Buttreaks
Miya Buttreaks
Posts: 348
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Location: USA
quotePosted at 22:50 on 28th August 2010
On 27th August 2010 02:02, Paul Hilton wrote:

Thanks Diana; I'll bear that in mind, and nice to see you as well. I'm sure your Aunt Miya Buttreaks has some good tips as well.  How is she these days?  Keeping well I hope.

Thanks again for all your kind wishes Smile 

ain't yew a sweet boy ta member old miya yew cheeky lil thang yew. yew keep practicin tha thar foreign instrumant an i's talk ta bobo and them possum holler boys bout lettin yew plays with them win yew finaly gits to visit us here in tha southeastern portion of these united states. skeeter say to tell yew can have a dueling contest with billybob playin his arm pit hairs win yew cum. dang! we have some viddles an make a porch party outta it.

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 22:52 on 28th August 2010
Oh dear god.
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 00:02 on 29th August 2010
Hi aunt Miya----how could I forget?  I may have reached 169 possum years old but ain’t got senile yet and my memory is as good as it always was; mind you, that isn’t saying much. Well, when I’ve had a bit of practice blowing down this wooden tube thing, I just might take up Billy Bob on his duel, but I’ll be sure to call ahead first so he can get down to the barbers and get his arm pit hairs tuned up; just don’t go for the hair spray lacquer afterwards, or he’ll be walking sideways through  doors for a week. 
Trust me. You have termites down there?  They might take to my tube thing for lunch. Just in case, I’ll bring my wash tub and scrub board too; then Skeeter could sit in the tub and make like Lawrence Welk with his bubbles.  And we’ll be sure to get some photos too, as long as I won’t get busted for taking polariods.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 08:19 on 29th August 2010
Can't wait to see the pictures Paul! Lol
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Miya Buttreaks
Miya Buttreaks
Posts: 348
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Location: USA
quotePosted at 16:05 on 29th August 2010
On 29th August 2010 00:02, Paul Hilton wrote:
Hi aunt Miya----how could I forget?  I may have reached 169 possum years old but ain’t got senile yet and my memory is as good as it always was; mind you, that isn’t saying much. Well, when I’ve had a bit of practice blowing down this wooden tube thing, I just might take up Billy Bob on his duel, but I’ll be sure to call ahead first so he can get down to the barbers and get his arm pit hairs tuned up; just don’t go for the hair spray lacquer afterwards, or he’ll be walking sideways through  doors for a week. 
Trust me. You have termites down there?  They might take to my tube thing for lunch. Just in case, I’ll bring my wash tub and scrub board too; then Skeeter could sit in the tub and make like Lawrence Welk with his bubbles.  And we’ll be sure to get some photos too, as long as I won’t get busted for taking polariods.

shoot boy! yew sur yew ain't from round these parts? yew sound like yew knows wut yew talkin bout. Yew only bees 169 possums years old? why yew be a youngen still. i tells yew tha secret fer keepin yur memorie...yew make everbody else thinks they lost theirs, then nobody cin member ifin its yew tha done gone waky in tha noggin or ifin its them. termites? wut be those? win i's layin in bed first thing in tha mornin an tha sun start cumin up i sees tha walls movin. yew think tha might be them thar termite thangs yew be talkin bout? i's jist thought they be roaches. we jist scoop em up an toss em in tha supper pot win companie be cumin. billy bob keep his arm pit hairs curled tighter than a pigs tail. he only let them down win he be playin. somtimes they git too tight an the youngens sneeks up on him an pulls em down an then lets em go. pert near knocks him out win they do's that. yew jist give us a hollar win yew be ready to cum fer a visit. we be happier than a pig in slop ta see yew.
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