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Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 17:18 on 23rd October 2010 I think they started over here in the clothing industry when they use to use chidlren and women for labor and worked them exessively hard for long hours under lousing factory they needed the unions in ways. But the ones of today may be something different. I can't say the lousy one I worked for wanted to recongnize the basic things as even on the job senority over here. You know I nearly took them to court...and I had the Federal employement office in job discrimnation backing me...I wold of had to fight it out going from here to Seattle and had an tiny baby at the I did't do it. But afterwards I found out they had been CONSTANTLY been sued for the same thing and problems I had been having...and they most gnerally lost their case also. But even had I won and they paid my back wages and all court costs..I wondered what kin dof an hassel it would be working there everytime something came up that we disagreed with. I know this union hated me from the day I walked in there...because they were the same ones I had to deal with in the nursing facilty I worked at as an supervisor. I assume that reason alone they would of never helped me really. I never made big bucks being an female supervisor...let alone retail clerking....but I sure did learn an lot abot how not to do things. this union nearly killed me and caused my first near-death expereince...they killed many many people back then and I was there at the state board meeting of the health examiners when they traced down an potentially serious Asian Flu bug back to the front public bthroom which had been serviced that morning by an guy they had planted into the facilty that was an silent union representative at the time. They said it appeared the "germ" started sometime after the cleaned the bathroom. At the time on of my friend's 17 year old daughter worked there...she died from it...though the autopsy revealed her docotor had been treating her teenage acne as such when it was really an kidney problem un-diagnoised. Such are living in small towns I guess back then. They are discriminatory in every way at times...all sectors of it at times also...or can be. I can't tell you how the death of thier daughter lead to the break up eventually of the entire family.... not to mention the heart ache they endured. the union never got in...the butt-head guy they inplanted left telling me that I'd always be an "beer" person until I was uniionized...and I told him that I'd rather be an "beer" person then an murderer...though I generally don't drink such beverages. And of course the facilty was prepared to close it's doors had it got into the place and change it's name as start business all new...they lost the the place anyway. They asked me what I wanted to do with my gals...I sai dlet them go join the laundry union..the "teamsters" and so they closed down my entire department and sent it out to an laundry and they had an union.. they made my department into an lunchroom and that might be I'd walk into the rooms and see the nurse's aide sitting down constantly on the job...the first to yell they worked to hard...while my gals ere timed and programmed to machines moving all day long.So justice was served and the new owners lost it also..because the problem was never really solved with the nursing staff to begin with. What does bad nursing do for you...they cause things like my Gall stone operation...the last one I ran into I got into it with at the hospital was huffy when she left...but she was going to make me take an MIR heart doctors tell me I can't have won't register right with the stent in my heart. She jsut thought she knew it all..I was mad by the time I left there.(hosptial)...not to mention the cost of it all. the costs are exhorbarant these days whom don' thave 100 per cent paid Health insurance..and besides...who really wants health problems..I can't think of anyone....not even these people that work for the medical field. All they have done is make me an dmy family suffer in both cases...going and not going.,,not to mention working. I can see why people have gone to home care more so these days...even if they do have the bettter of things to work's really hard to find an doctor that heals.... rather then meagerily treats someone.....if they even do that. Bad vibes...reflective of the end times I guess as they say. They have most recently "condemed" us to diabetes in the future days also from the news media out the past couple of days...what they expect when all thier major city fund-raisers are laced with sweet wine and booze all the time...loaded with sugar. |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 17:36 on 23rd October 2010 I should just laugh abou tthese issues and turn my head the other way..but by god..they are NOT going away...this world condition of people turning their heads the other way...and laughing things off has gotten us to where we are right now. People are rioting while they deny the truth of things. They are dying at to high an the hands of so called incompetant so called "authority" at that. Now enough said. As Harry Truman said about big business back then...they act like an bunch of" bastards" to have to deal with them most the time.....and someone compared me one time to Harry Truman...who was known for laying the cards on the table....but likewise I've had both sides complement me also...that I was an good person...and did an good job...well worth the money I was ever paid. |
Paul Hilton![]() Posts: 2605 Joined: 21st Nov 2004 Location: UK | quotePosted at 22:16 on 23rd October 2010 Crisis? What Crisis? ran The Sun newspaper's headline in January 1979 after Labour PM James Callaghan returned to England facing press questions about mounting industrial action from the unions after he'd imposed a 5% wage increase limit on public sector workers. With the Conservative-Lib Dem coalitions cuts proposing 500,000 public sector job losses, will the Sun at some point in the future be resurecting their infamous headline?
lancashirelove![]() Posts: 1986 Joined: 18th Feb 2009 Location: UK | quotePosted at 14:39 on 27th October 2010 i think not Paul, isnt the 'sun' one of Murdocks rightwing newspapers originaly aimed at women and working class family's to get the rightwing points of veiw over to the lower classes? In opposition to the Daily Mirror |
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