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Remembrance Day

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quotePosted at 16:10 on 11th November 2010

Heres one for your fellow countrymen Ruth.

Tank Memorial At Slapton Sands Devon
Picture by john kindon

 I believe this tank was rescued from the seabed of the English coast were many Americans were killed whilst in training for the D-day landings in Northern France. 

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 16:19 on 11th November 2010
B17 Sally B as Memphis Belle
Picture by Paul Lakin
B-17G Sally B is also a flying memorial based at Duxford. She's shown here still wearing her make up for starring in the film, The Memphis Belle. Sally B was one of the last B-17s built by Lockheed at Burbank California in 1945.
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 16:53 on 11th November 2010

Remembering my two uncles killed on the Somme.

And remembering all the others who have served faithfully, lost their lives for us, lost their health, or survived to keep the memory alive. 

Poppies, Abbots Langley, Herts
Picture by Tony Tooth


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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 21:09 on 11th November 2010
Newbury, Berkshire
Picture by Paul Hilton

At Greenham Common near Newbury, Berkshire.
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Vince Hawthorn
Vince Hawthorn
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quotePosted at 21:28 on 11th November 2010

                              REMEMBRANCE DAY- HERODSFOOT

  In Cornwall there is a village called Herodsfoot and I heard today that they held their small service at the war memorial, however the 13 names on the memorial are the names of those that returned safe and sound. I think they are know as a "thankful village", somewhere that all those that went off to war came home alive. To add to Herodsfoot's fortune in world war one, everyone from world war two also returned home alive. As Sue has just said, we should remember all who have served in war whatever their outcome, none can be unaffected by what has gone on. We are very aware of of the results of the present conflicts as RAF Headly Court is close by here and often in the local newspaper. We were all shocked a year or so ago to read in the paper of some women swimming in a local pool objecting to sevicmen undergoing rehabilitation using the pool at the same time. I wonder if they can wear their poppy with pride. I am glad to say they have a purpose built pool of their own thanks to Help the Heroes.

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 00:56 on 12th November 2010

nice dad was on Normany Beach at D-Day...he was an paramedic...his brother the paratrooper and his other brother the Marine were there and all of them were less then an mile away from each other and never knew it..until after the war. My hubby's uncle went down when Peral Harbor was attacked.  My mother's brother..if he's still alive flew an Helicopter during the Korean war, while his brother was in the Army...hubby's neice was in the Gulf War...and his nephew is currently stationed in Italy and is an computer operator for the Air Force. Our "Scouts" ever year pay tribute at Memorial Day also by flag plant. We have quite a few of our Scouts serving the miltary growing up. We are flying our American Flag today...and no one made us do it.

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Toby Craig
Toby Craig
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quotePosted at 12:40 on 14th November 2010
Single poppy, near Mixbury, Oxfordshire.
Picture by Tony Tooth

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