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Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 07:30 on 10th October 2011 Vince I was broadsided in my liittle Dodge Swinger one day by an guy going 70 mph in an 45 mph speed limit area...let me tell you , it happens so fast, even if you looked constantly from side to side pulling out you'll wonder where he came from. Because all you saw was the van turning on his turn signal abotu half an mile won't know this dude was whipping around teh van probably going 90 mph...his skid marks... as he tried to stop... proved he was going 70 mph. Those were the days of no seat belt laws...had we had them and I'd not been thrown to the passengers side of the car....I'd be dead now. They picked up sterring wheel out of the car smashed to bits...toward where I would of been sitting. Naturally they totalled my car. I got to sit down in an nice policeman's car with the air conditioner running in my face also so as to not "pass out". I'm notsure how I really got to the side of the street when he took over for me. Someone said after he hit the car....I got out of the passenger side, fell on the back up and stumbled over to the street and I don't remember an bit of it. the policeman told me I had to go with him, I thought I was in real trouble...he said that I had to call someone in the family to come and get me, as I couldn't drive the car. So I called my dad and brother...they came. We went by my car still in the road as they were getting ready to really work this guy over from the data they were collecting. My brother stopped and cried. Itwas the first time as an big kid, I ever saw my brother cry...he told I was saved by just an "few" feet that day. Ask it worth it to drive just that bit faster...I don't think so...adn I wasn't the driver that was speeding. Vince I don't know what kind of ice your talking mean like for an margarita?....I cant' drink now because of my medications...I did though down an third of an can of cold beer on an hot day recently though for lunch with hubby....and waited expecting the worse...but it never came. I don't do that to often either. My best friend's son was ran over by an drunk driver as him and his girlfreind Christine were walking out of an house party and crossing the street. It left him an "veggetable" brain wise and I got to go with his mother when she told me she ran out of money to keep him in an care they were going to starve him, next time he got an cold... and let him die. I am not sure which one is any better an stuation. She had told me that she was hoping they'd get married later that year and he'd settle down and leave his rowdy cousins...his dad died early in his life also, he was an local race car driver, in his younger years...caught cancer from an injury. She raised her daughter and son by herself pretty much..Beign in intutive....I know her son knew full well when she came in there that day to give her son and hug and some "love"..that he knew somethign was up. I did not tell her afterwards though...she said there were no options left open to her any longer. After the accident I wen tover there and I told, I was speechless as to what to say to her...she told me then he'd be doing good to make it through the night. Such sad times...even thinking about them leaves me with tears. He was an handsome good looking kid, that for the most part never botherred with his cousins he was taking risks he would never of done prior. I hope his next lifetime is an better one for him. |
Paul Hilton![]() Posts: 2605 Joined: 21st Nov 2004 Location: UK | quotePosted at 23:49 on 10th October 2011 That's exactly it Ruth, some government think tank has concluded that this 10 mph raising of the limit will reap huge rewards for the economy; somehow, I just can't see it happening, but what I can see happening as a sort of exchange for it, is reducing the speeds in built up areas to say, 20 mph. And along Syd's lines--if 70 mph is considered a safe maximum speed today, then back in Dec 1965 when it first came in ( not early 1960s as an IAM spokesman said) it must have been set too high then. The IAM ( Institute of Advanced Motorists) also claimed that despite the advances in vehicle technology---and they might have added highway engineering but didn't---they said one thing that hasn't changed is the driver. I don't believe it. Therefore then, the constant upgrading of the driving exam, and for motorbikes too, must have been a complete waste of time and money. What the IAM are saying is the 1960s drivers of Morris Minors, Ford Anglias etc are just the same today, only they're driving far better cars that bear scant resemblance to cars which back then featured on regular cars, cross ply tires with inner tubes, drum brakes all 'round, worm and peg steering, rear wheel drive on most, passenger protection was non-existant with dreadful interiors safety-wise, lots of noise to induce fatigue on long trips, and so on. I wish the IAM would ask it's members to wear the car's IAM badges on the rear of the car, rather than on the front. Edited by: Paul Hilton at:10th October 2011 23:54 |
Sk Lawson![]() Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | quotePosted at 03:08 on 11th October 2011 That part is true...even our old car has whistles, and ABS brakes and lights that the older cars never had. Authorities and laws have really gotten tough on drunk drivers also...with many hotels downtown providing free rides back to your room rather then drive...and they have shut down many taverns an lounges for letting people drunk leave them without calling for help these days....they all have the right to refuse service to an customer for drunkeness. |
Syd Harling![]() Posts: 636 Joined: 21st Apr 2011 Location: South Africa | quotePosted at 07:29 on 11th October 2011 What you're saying is too true Paul but I'd rather look at it from the other side. 70 MPH was ok for those old cars but now, even if the driver is still the same, the improved cars make a higher speed safe, or as safe as the lower speed was for the primative ones. Take a 60-something Cortina or worse, a Mini with tiny drum brakes and 10 inch wheels; the stopping time from 60 MPH was about 6 seconds. I once had a tanker turn in front of me when driving a Mini at 30 MHP. I had to handbrake turn to avoid hitting it. Modern cars mostly come to a stop in around 3 seconds. I used to drive a '91 Opel Kadette (Vauxhall in the UK) and it had good brakes and roadholding. I considered it safe at 75 MPH on the motorway but having changed to a fairly new Renault Clio I can see the difference. The first time I drove it I nearly ripped the tread off the tyres because the (ABS) brakes are just so much better. It also has 195/50X15 tyres so its grip on the road is way better than the old Opel. If the Opel is safe at 70 then the Renault must be safe at 80 or, on a quiet motorway, even more. But, the crux of the matter is still whether the driver has the intelligence to drive according to conditions. High speed in the wrong conditions and in the wrong place is insane. There was a crash in a city near here yesterday in which a BMW crashed into a fuel tanker which turned accross the road in front of it. 4 young people killed! The reason given was that the BMW driver was speeding. The question which arises is this: would there have still been a crash if the tanker driver hadn't turned in front of the BMW? No but if the BMW had been going more slowly would the driver have been able to stop in time? Probably. So, he was driving too fast in an urban area. In that case speed killed. |
Dave John![]() Posts: 22335 Joined: 27th Feb 2011 Location: England | quotePosted at 08:47 on 11th October 2011 I agree with a tot of this conversation. I have a friend who is a top grade Traffic Cop and well versed in pursuits. He has always said to me that SPEED DOES NOT KILL. It is the drivers inability to control the speed that is the problem. I also agree with Syd in that intelligence and experience, or rather the lack of.... also contributes to the 'speed kills' theory. Like Paul I once started the IAM course, many years ago and for reasons I cannot remember did not get to final assessment. But the experience of having a qualified police driver alongside for a few sessions of 2 or 3 hours at a time was invaluable. And the just about all that I was taught then still holds good today even taking into account the tremendous improvement in car technology in general and especially tyres..... |
Karen Lee![]() Posts: 1558 Joined: 9th Mar 2011 Location: England | quotePosted at 14:55 on 11th October 2011 Just read an article that says the 80MPH is for electric cars only......And must surely start a new debate.
Syd Harling![]() Posts: 636 Joined: 21st Apr 2011 Location: South Africa | quotePosted at 15:07 on 11th October 2011 Electric cars!!!!!!!!! LOL. Very few are going to get 80 MPH and those that do won't sustain it for long before the battery needs charging. Maybe hybrids would achieve this but would they qualify? Politicians! Crazy people. Politicians are like babies' nappies (diapers for the friends from across the pond) They should be changed regularly - for the same reason. |
Syd Harling![]() Posts: 636 Joined: 21st Apr 2011 Location: South Africa | quotePosted at 18:35 on 11th October 2011 I'm pleased to say that apart from motorsport crashes I have never had more than a fender-bender. I thank the old man for that. I got my first licence as a soldier and had to test for a civilian one when de-mobbed. The old man told me to regard every other driver, without exception, as a certifiable lunatic and drive accordingly. He was right and it has worked for 45 years. |
Dave John![]() Posts: 22335 Joined: 27th Feb 2011 Location: England | quotePosted at 07:26 on 12th October 2011 SNAP ! ! ! ! That is more or less word for word what I was told by the police instructor when i started the IAM course. Probably the best bit of advice I ever had. |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 18:32 on 12th October 2011 You lunatics! lol But I can only agree with what is being said here. Thinks....Why don't we have POE MP's and hey we would sort them out! What position would Paul Hilton hold in government do you reckon, and then Dave John, and then James and then... Ha, this could be fun! |