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Recent Colorado Shootings

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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 18:30 on 27th July 2012

I don't know if all of you are aware of the shooting spree that took place in Colorado last week. It seems things are getting very out of control. Another shooting spree was just twarted in Ann Arundel County, Maryland near Washington, D.C. where a man was planning the same thing at his work place. Here is the story.

 Sure doesn't leave one feeling very safe in public. Frown

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 08:01 on 28th July 2012

It's been a sad time for the State with the recent fires and the loss and destruction they caused a and now this with people killed and all the lives of those left behind.

I've always considered Colorado to be one of the nicest States--though I could name a few more as well--and is such a tragedy to hear of these things happening today. In all the years I was there, I only knew two people that had guns--a neighbor who was a Highway Patrol officer, and another who had a few rifles at his farm at Kit Carson near the Kansas border. I guess times change. 

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 08:20 on 28th July 2012

It's society as an whole these days Paul....and with so much out there working on people's minds...what can you expect.  Liquor, drugs, movies, women, etc...always something to set people off. Our Police chief's god-daughter was our neighbor, and Sid Bartles, the town's judge another one...knew them well. We respected them, and they did likewise... in being respectable.  

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Linda-mary Sigley
Linda-mary Sigley
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quotePosted at 10:41 on 28th July 2012

Paul is right. I've always thought of Colorado as one of the nicest places. Of course, we can't forget Columbine. The first school shooting I ever heard of. Remember the saying "going postal?" The post office shootings seemed to have stopped. Now, people (probably young) couldn't even go to a movie theatre in peace. I've always felt safe at the movies--now I wonder. Maybe movie theaters will have to go back to having ushers who used to periodically check the audience rows with their flashlights.

Recently I was threatened by a gang of 10 and 12 yr. olds. Obviously they had searched our trash and found 2 medicine bottles that I forgot to tear the labels off of. They cornered me on the side of our house where my open-air lift is. Naturally I was in my wheelchair and I was alone. They were laughing and threatening me. I pushed the lever to engage the lift. I started up and as I did I stood up to them (in spirit!) and said Go to hell! That evening on the news the anchorman told about drug dealers organizing gangs of children to steal drugs. I'm a target now.

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Jaydon Cubeno
Jaydon Cubeno
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quotePosted at 08:06 on 8th August 2012
The surprising fact is that in these days when shootings happen the gun purchase rates increase very fast, which is also a worring thing for the american government. 
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 13:26 on 8th August 2012
Our government is (as always) putting the blame on each other,,Living here in the Rocky Mts.,i have seen so much support,love, prayers for all concerned..Why does it have to take overwhelming murder to bring out the best in so many? If we had overwhelming  prayers,Love and support first,,,just imagine what our global home would be like..(just a thought)
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Barbara Shoemaker
Barbara Shoemaker
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quotePosted at 13:51 on 8th August 2012
Well said, Rick.  You are absolutely spot on.  Colorado is still one of the most beautiful, wonderful places in this country, in my humble opinion.  Right now, I would adore living in that wonderful climate.  But I digress.  I've come to the conclusion that we are simply not always safe no matter where we are.  But I choose to get up and go out there every day anyway, praying all the while, and doing my best to have loving kindness and support be my contribution to the world at large.
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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 21:23 on 8th August 2012

You're right Rick. I think a lot of it started when we were kids, when Moms had to start going out to work to help with the finances. A lot of it is greed. People aren't satisfied with what they have, they always want more. Then it affects the children because their Moms are not home to take care of them. They are sent off to daycare or babysitters who are only interested in a paycheck. It's not their responsibility to raise the children the way the parents want them raised. As the kids grew older they had to find more activities for them to be involved in so that the parents did not have to deal with them because they were so tired of their own responsibilites with their work. 

Most kids nowadays, have no clue what it is like to use their imaginations, or to just daydream. They have no outlet for the stress and pressure they are put under. Colleges want to see tons of outside activites on their applications. It's no wonder these kids no longer know how to cope. It's no wonder there is so much mental illness. I don't believe that is the only cause. I think about all the processed foods these children eat all the time. The chemicals they are exposed to. The ever growing antibacterial products on the market. It's no wonder there are numerous strains of new illnesses developing that are resistant to antibiotics. We certainly did not have all that growing up. It was normal to play in the dirt, make mud pies and come in at night filthy and have a bath before bed. We had more energy and did not have all the technology to make us couch zombies! We did not have the media showing us how to make bombs, how to destroy things, how to be rude and defy our elders, how to have sex and foul language.

I could go on and on but it would just make me too sad. The world grows more evil each passing day. It says in the Bible that it would before the second coming and it sure has. We never used to fear for our lives just going to the market or to see a motion picture. People had respect for one another. We were brought up that way, and to have morals and values. Now there are people who could care less who they hurt out of their selfishness and greed.

I sure hope that what they say about karma is true. God help us all. 


Edited by: Cathy E. at:8th August 2012 21:25
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 21:39 on 8th August 2012

Speaking of Karma,,,my honda accord was stolen in downtown denver today,,,i have had it so many years,,i loved that car..

I do hope Karma works with those who stole my car...

(could use a prayer or two mates!)

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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 22:19 on 8th August 2012
Done! Keeping fingers crossed for you! Smile
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