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Do you cook old British recipes ?

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Location: England
quotePosted at 22:56 on 15th April 2013

Since lv been doing more research on my family tree,lv taken a great interest in old traditional  recipes of the areas my ancestors came from.So lv decided every week lm going to cook a typical old English recipe.Tomorrow im making Herefordshire Honey cake,which is useful as lv loads of honey to use up lol

.Does anyone follow traditional British cooking, or have a favorite?

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 01:07 on 16th April 2013

I collect cookbooks of all kinds...I have two from Britain, one is kind of an history book/cookbook and the other one is kind of an today's Brtiish Chef type cookbook. Right now I'm into world by the country and the other for teaching kids about what countries grow for thier natural foods in their area...and how to prepare them.

Can't reply on an favorite receipe...there are many types out there that are really good eating.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 09:18 on 16th April 2013

Hi Jackie.

POE has a recipe link in the left side of the page under the sub heading More: (9th link down) Maybe you could add some to it?

Here is the link if you want to look at a few recipes already available, just click on it...

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 02:08 on 17th April 2013

I love to make the old fashioned recipies. Ones my mum and grandmother made and beyond. I have a wonderful old cookbook called (I think) Farmhouse Cooking.

I hope you share some of your favourite finds.  

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quotePosted at 10:15 on 17th April 2013
Hello Sue. l collect old British cook books too. l like to find them at car boots, fetes and charity shops.lm researching about Herefordshire,where my ancesters came from at moment so just trying out different recipes.and getting hubby to score them lol.l made Herefordshire Honey cake yesterday, but we didnt like it, it was too dry as l'd made it with gf flour so it didnt work. Will try it again, following the recipe just so. Tonight its Hereford Fidget has bacon,pasrley,apple and cider in.We love it as lv made it before.Good cold weather British food lol.
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 19:04 on 17th April 2013
I still hope for a "Pictures of England" Cookbook, i for one will be on the waiting list to buy ! (we have a wondeful British Tea Room and grocier whom i frequent often for all the UK goodies)
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quotePosted at 02:36 on 28th April 2013

Good Day! Looking for a Cookbook of British Cooking, it would be a delight of an elegant 4 course meal with relaxing music! Be enjoing in a habitat comfortable reason way! Also Arizona is getting very warm, so it would be relaxing in nice air conditioner!!


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quotePosted at 12:09 on 28th April 2013

Hello Julia

l think you would like the cook books by Hugh Fernley - Whittingstall. lm sure you can get them by Amazon..l  think they deliver to USA

He made lots of programmes called' River Cottage' Tthey are on You -Tube and very additive to watch. He uses seasonal British grown ingred from simple meals to cooking for large numbers,  think it might be what you are looking for. Heres a link.

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