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A Transport Minister says Parking Fines don't keep up with the times!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 21:27 on 20th July 2013

Do wages keep up with the times?

What makes the smug b.....d think we can afford increased parking fees, let alone the fines? Another example of the Liberal toffs in this case, making money out of those who can least afford it.

Shame on you Norman Baker!

See the smug s...t here and then vote UKIP when the time comes.

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Neil Rodgers
Neil Rodgers
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quotePosted at 21:54 on 20th July 2013

I agree with you Ron, Baker is just another of the Fire Proof Brigade that has no idea what the everyday person has to contend with.

Its quite obvious that this is the case, or he would not purvey shuch a stupid viewpoint.

They have no idea how to make ends meet so to say the only way forward in thier minds is to pile on the agony to shore up thier wasteful ways.

Talk about a Party in a Brewery no they could not organize that even.

Greece is bust, Italy is bust, Spain is bust, Portugal is bust, Ireland is bust, Cyprus is bust, Englands debt is greater than that of Greece and then some pr-ts idea is to put parking charges and fines up.

Just what planet do they think they are on, no thats just the case they cant think.

Had to have a sound off on this one Ron 



Edited by: Neil Rodgers at:20th July 2013 22:02
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Ken Marshall
Ken Marshall
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quotePosted at 11:03 on 26th July 2013

Parking fines are already too high. Some councils are setting an annual parking fines budget to raise more money.

Parking fees are too high too.Some places have driven customers away because they increased parking fees. Some shops have closed.On top of that, many retailers have to pay too much rent to greedy landlords.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 13:17 on 26th July 2013

The words 'self destruct' come to mind Ken?

I'm sure the time will come when shopping centres, shops, traders in Towns and Cities are all boarded up and then, just maybe, they will get the message!

Greedy b.......s for sure and we are paying for it all!

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Neil Rodgers
Neil Rodgers
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quotePosted at 14:44 on 26th July 2013

Hi Ron

We have quite a unique system here The parking meters are set here to sart at 9.30 am till 2 pm cost 3 euros for 3 hours then at 2 pm the parking meters have a siesta till 4.30 then they continue till 9.30 at any time the meters are on duty it is quite acceptable to feed them with more euros for extra time.

If you park your car during siesta time you only pay for the time after the meter has had its siesta so you never loose out. 

Should you be unfortunate to outstay your welcome the friendly parking attendant will place an envelope under the wiper for the fine.

Then comes the easy bit one goes to the meter feed the meter with 6 euros take the ticket from the meter place it in the envelope and post it in the special slot in the parking meter.

No further problems but leave it till the next day it costs 60 euros.

Thats what I call a friendly car parking systemCool.

One word of warning never park your car in Spain in a restricted area no questions asked the car is towed away fine 200 euros to retrieve the car.Cry 

Edited by: Neil Rodgers at:26th July 2013 20:31
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quotePosted at 20:54 on 26th July 2013
We came across the Spanish system during the years we went to Almunecar, we thought the system very good, but boy those parking attendants are on the ball, most of them were young women as well, as soon as you parked the car they watched you walk to the machine to make sure you got your ticket. If you arrived back just about the time the ticket expired you could guarantee they would be lurking somewhere close to the car just waiting to write the ticket. Cheap enough fine though at 6 Euros if you paid straight away, you can't park in York for more than a couple of hours for that. 
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