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Cop Gate!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 19:26 on 23rd October 2013

Should the three Police Officers in the news currently have to say sorry, should they keep their jobs? What if they were giving evidence against you in Court and you got sent down as a result, how would you feel then, because it seems they may well have told porkies.

They are supposed to uphold the law, not bend it to suit themselves, which is what appears may have happened.

With ex Police Officers in the membership and Daves daughter currently 'in the job' what say you Dave, what say you Ruth, what say you generally POE members?

My thoughts? I reckon they should be sacked without compensation and/or a pension, which they would no doubt get anyway.

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 19:40 on 23rd October 2013

I have always respected the law and will obey it at all costs but when you come across cases like this one it makes you wonder.

If they are proven guilty they should be sacked and imprisoned --along with that coward who hit that chap with a truncheon--now that was an injustice-its scum like these men who get the police a bad name.

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quotePosted at 19:51 on 23rd October 2013

The whole think stinks Ron, and where there's a stink there's normally something causing the smell. I didn't catch all the news tonight, but I believe there are two Sergeants and an Inspector involved (correct me if I'm wrong) and they should certainly have known and behaved better. 

There is a phrase 'required to resign' which means you go now before you're sacked. I think we will see this happening here. I don't know how the pension system works in that situation, but they certainly wouldn't recieve a penny until pensionable age, 65. Obviously what they recieve then will depend on their contributions to date - which by that time will be worth nothing. Pension contributions used to increase with your length of service so it was your later years that actually built up a decent pension, that cannot happen if you resign.

Whatever the truth, they have set a terrible example to the Britsh public and in fact the rest of the world, also all the other Police Officers who are doing a good job. 

They should go. 

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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 20:06 on 23rd October 2013
Get in quick.. sack them before they get the chance to do the 'honourable !!!' thing and resign. I use the word 'honourable' very loosely as I can't think of a more fitting one.They deserve to lose all they have worked towards and will probably lose families as well and will certainly never have respect from anyone ever again. Kick them out now.

Edited by: Dave John at:23rd October 2013 20:07
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Neil Rodgers
Neil Rodgers
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quotePosted at 21:29 on 23rd October 2013

The abuse that will be directed at the Police as a result of this particular case will continue long after the case is over, its not fair on the rest of Police Officers who do an excellent job sometimes under extreme difficulties dealing with the none conforming citizens that we have in our midst.

Trust the law to rule and conclude this case to enable us to move forward with fresh hope and thankfulness that the traits of the said Officers have come to light in this manner, if you bend the truth it always comes back with a nasty surprise.

A bad apple can never disguise itself     

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 04:09 on 24th October 2013

I can't comment on this story not having seen it, but in the early 70s, two police officers showed me in court the fibs they will give as evidence to get a conviction against you. While stood in the dock, i learnt ( for the first time as it never happened)...... I was driving on the wrong side of the road; the police driver had to brake firmly and was about to drive off the road to avoid a headon collision, but I got back on the corrent side of the road just in time, so he didn't have to leave the road.

as they both read the same story of events from their notebooks, the 3 magistrates deemed the case proven, for Driving Without Due Care.As it  was proven, I wasn't allowed to speak in court, but just listen to their clap trap evidence they were reciting. They also had the name of the road wrong on the summons, but that didn't matter. A minor error.

they also weren't wearing their epaulettes/ numbers to identify either of them, but they got away with that too as they both denied that was the case, in an earlier internal investigation. 

Net result was a £15 fine and licence stamped in the little red book we used to have with the endorsement now in it and a lesson in the early 70s how some traffic police got their convictions. 


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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 04:41 on 24th October 2013

I don't know the whole situation..but I was an wtiness on an agrevated assult charge one time of an boss vs employee...and by the time the lawyers got done...they showed how the boss had been "set up" for an police conviction..from which the guy was going to sue the man for money later on...this dude knew he had an bad temper and was using it to incrimante the man. that happens an lot these days...what was it said...send prono to someone's computer at work so they will be replaced almost immediately...thinking the person was into porno....

so taking that into consideration....I go the route I've  always thought was "fair"...first it out...second infraction...job suspension for one week without pay....if they are unhappy...they most generally will leave therafter.....third them. If they leave nicely..give them an job recommendation without adverse statements to their record. Doing anything criminal usually meant getting fired by the company adminstrator...not just the boss in charge. But tis true...some people are "set up" these days to look guilty.... when they might now be. Others look true and honest when in fact they are not. Aren't you glad your not Jesus...he forgave everyone their sins..died at the cross for it's said...and hopes it was an example of leading an honest and good life yourself. Many times people get back what they put out eventually.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 08:47 on 24th October 2013

Paul says>>>I can't comment on this story not having seen it

Get the boss to allow you home in time to see the news and/or read a newspaper Paul as it's all over the media generally. I agree we don't know the exact words used, that's what the whole issue is about, but I am talking about the referred to 'Plebgate' affair with the following link explaining the lastest.


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Neil Rodgers
Neil Rodgers
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quotePosted at 23:07 on 24th October 2013
Just seen the news tonight camera combined recorder will possibly be standard equipment for all Officers soon.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 11:31 on 6th November 2013

These cops have told lies to the goverment (twice) according to what we are led to believe, but I have to wonder why?

What were they actually trying to achieve, was it really to get Mitchell? If so why, and apart from it being disgraceful thing to do, it seems they have lied to 'fix' him, but now that they are being questioned over it they reckon they have nothing to apologise for!!

They are not above the law and should be dealt the only hand available. They have to go and without a payoff under any circumstance.

It really bothers me that if it were you or me to which they directed their stories, where would we be now? Answer: Locked up without the opportunity to protest our innocence. I don't have a record, which makes it even worse, because they really could have stitched me up and I would have no chance!

The Police generally, do a great job in my opinion under difficult circumstances sometimes, but I don't see why the rest of those in the job should be blamed in anyway for these scumbags. I say sack them now, without anything but their own clothes they stand up in.

Goodbye scumbags, you failed!


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