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Where is this plane

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quotePosted at 18:27 on 17th March 2014
Just watched the BBC news, seems like the co-pilot was the last person to make contact with ATC in Malasia. Two communications systems were also deliberately turned off in the cockpit. 
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quotePosted at 20:02 on 17th March 2014
They made it sound as though they knew they were being deliberately turned off John, not both at the same time either. Did you see where it was picked up by a satellite monitoring place in London after it had vanished.
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 23:54 on 17th March 2014

I see someone messed up my posting above.....if you go to,,,and look in one of the threads there..I think wow's, maybe another...there's an post from JohnL...with this conspiracy about taking the plane to an  US miltary owned island called Deigo Gras..something of that nature down by the Maldives....we don' t know what was on the plane completely, do they are they keeping that shushed up... or they haven't released it...this guy says they were traveling with dangerous "bio-chemicals" and wondered if this was the stuff got us into the Middle east here recently....maybe they did conviscate them, and took them there to dig  an big hole an bury them for good. It would have to be an pretty stable island to do something like that. right now, it's an anything goes situation.

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Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 23:59 on 17th March 2014

John...others speculate whomever wanted the plane...nothing else, they want to load it up for an military operation maybe.. or to drop it loaded with bombs on it somewhere. Just do like they did, stay under radar until you arrive at your destination and drop them. Just another one of the many conspiracry postings I've read on the net.

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Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 00:03 on 18th March 2014
On 17th March 2014 23:36, John Lawrence wrote:
Yes I did Ruth, but why has that info been kept back ???

It had been reported a few days earlier prior to the Malaysian government stating it. If we are to now believe that the 777 turned and crossed back over Malaysia--as reported by their military radars--- the Malaysian Air Force seem to be lacking in responding to this now unidentified intruder.  Indeed, if at some point the jet flew into someone else's airspace, you would have thought at least someone's air force would have responded with jets sent to intercept this unidentified intruding aircraft to determine who/what it was and what is going on?
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quotePosted at 12:59 on 18th March 2014
I have to agree Paul, why hasn't anyone picked up what appears now to be a rogue plane in someone else's airspace.
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quotePosted at 14:39 on 18th March 2014
I have to agree John, I don't think anyone is still alive from the plane, otherwise with all the gadgets we carry these days someone would have surely tried to make contact with a relative, friend, someone. I think it's more likely to be in a remote place on land rather than in the sea.
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Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 19:14 on 18th March 2014

Well, things have changed this morning...citing people that came out and have said it was an excerise of technology to stop the hacking planes, and has not only US people behind it (military) but 2 Brits working for SECO/UK...any of you familiar with them? They wanted to see what could be done with this plane in reguard. Airline pilot last night said reguardless, it's down the ground and refuled and ready to go by now, or it simply "isn't" any more. He said if someone really does have it.....they will now how to worry about using false identity to fly it andover of another identiy of an airliner. Let's facr it, if it's out there they might as well pull the goodies off the airplane and make it into an new home for for someone. several people have boughten such planes and reconstucted thier insides to be house worthy living. Courtney in earthboppin says she found the plane... with an huge long link attached to see an picture of it.


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quotePosted at 19:51 on 18th March 2014

Latest from the BBC, seems no one is any nearer an answer to this mystery.

The link at the top to the 10 Theories makes for an interesting read. 

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James Prescott
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quotePosted at 21:43 on 21st March 2014
Still no sign--the mystery deepensSmile
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