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quotePosted at 20:12 on 18th February 2015
Your go John, congratulations on getting the last one so quickly Smile
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quotePosted at 14:27 on 19th February 2015
100 AD then ish ? Roman Britain, Londinium was around 50 AD ish, so lets start with London then which is now the capital.
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quotePosted at 14:33 on 19th February 2015

Or there's the Roman Baths in Bath, the temple there was started between 60 and 70 AD. Hadrians Wall, started 122 AD ?

I'm assuming we are in the UK John ?  and not in my favourite place in the whole world the Colosseum in Rome ? AD 72 to 80.

Edited by: rustyruth at:19th February 2015 14:36
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quotePosted at 13:31 on 20th February 2015
OK John, there are so many places to look at in the UK, it might take a while, so let's start with Dubris, which is now the port of Dover.
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quotePosted at 16:04 on 20th February 2015
Thanks John, that narrows it down by about half Smile
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quotePosted at 16:10 on 20th February 2015
OK let's start close to home Eboracum, York. The military HQ can still be seen below the Minster, the Roman Baths can be seen under the aptly named Roman Baths Pub. A portion of the city wall also remains.
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quotePosted at 19:12 on 20th February 2015
Well Melbourne is in South Derbyshire, so North of that and staying in Derbyshire, which I'm thinking we are, I'm going to look at Castrafield, now Chesterfield. I know there was big fort there near to where the crooked spire stands today.
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quotePosted at 12:37 on 21st February 2015
Am I in the right town John, there's so much going on around that area I could be looking a few miles each direction ? Or I could be ooking for weeks Smile
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quotePosted at 13:57 on 21st February 2015

It must have been slight, I didn't see it Laughing

I'm assuming the clue may have been lines. OK back to the drawing board then Smile 

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quotePosted at 14:02 on 21st February 2015
I'm wondering if I should be looking for a road ?
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