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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 03:11 on 20th May 2016
Ron, look at the date it says I joined not compatable to other posted dates in here that I joined the forum.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 07:29 on 20th May 2016

Shirley - that's because you went out to the yard, answered the telephone, went shopping, fell asleep before you finished the post!  lol

It will 'time out' after 30  minutes and always show that date as a default, so the answer is to complete your post within the 30 minute time frame to avoid it showing that date.

Hi to all POEsters wherever you are.

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 13:29 on 20th May 2016
Good Afternoon to all --have a nice day.
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 21:56 on 20th May 2016

Your to funny Ron, I must of not logged out properly. Cause that's why I noticed it..I came back in to see if I had logged out. But your right...I tend to "get around" in my life.

I'm finished with the garden....zuchinni, spaghetti squash...two kinds of pumpkin..spinach, red onions, swiss chard, cucumbers...peppers..tomaotes..various types...sweet potato vines, macaroni and cheese...just thought I check you out...hehehe.. wouldn't that be something. I kniow you would accuse me of being more witchy in my craft work then the just Kraft macroni dinners..... Maybe next year I'll try jello?

We just had an earquake off the coast of Oregon about 200 some miles, we didnt' feel it but it must of been th elong left ear tone this morning made me sit up and notice. We ll,,the weekend is upon us...we go tour those little tiny homes up at Mt. Hood RV Resort tonight and then stop by and pick up my grandson for overnight. So I think I'll lay down an bit an rest.

I bought three new on on how to cure any pain...and one on yoga....I read the on pain for people with flat arches and promply bought me an new pair of shoes with new arch support inserts for them.  It could be contributing to my muscle strain in my leg...wearing my everyday shoes.  So with that now, I'll do what they do these days...and chill out smoking my "pot" and get blissful feeling...and I don' t mean I have an allergy snifer pot either.....(just kiddin) to you all later on. Sure would like to get rid of my "Pot belly" though.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 09:05 on 21st May 2016

The pot belly is there to stay Shirley (apart from surgery of course) and I suspect most of us after the age of 40 years have one!

As for the flat arches and aching limbs I can absolutely confirm that the pain is awful. I have a similar problem and have inserts designed to raise the arch, but rather than destroy another pair of shoes whilst outside amongst the rubble, the gravel, the uneven ground I don't put them in the shoes so my feet, ankles, legs hurt like you can't imagine (well, I guess you can actually based on what you are saying) so get those inserts in the shoes and raise the arches. It's so bad for me that after a very short time I have to sit down to go half way to recuperating. That said I can't do anything unless I dose myself up with massive pain killing medication....and it still hurts!

Hi to all POEsters 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 07:35 on 23rd May 2016

Following on from the post above unless you experience constant pain you won't appreciate how bad it is for someone suffering a condition that they can't control (as in my own case). Constant pain eats at your whole body, both mentally and physically causing some to have unhealthy thoughts so just because you can't see the mental or physical effects of pain that another is suffering don't be too quick to judge them, or write them offf as lead swingers. Continuing support and sympathy is the order of the day.

Hi to all POEsters wherever you are.


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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 09:29 on 23rd May 2016
Good Morning to all on this bright sunny day --enjoy--Smile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 09:36 on 23rd May 2016

Someone is working over my computer....had my 5th posting not go through connection says it's not connected to my server...they wiped out all the updates when Bill Gates came in and reloaded windows my little icon of the airplane on my task bar for accesssing wifi while how long I'm in here I have no idea.

I thought you should know if you don' thear from computer may be back in getting fixed later on. 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 06:34 on 24th May 2016
Hi to all POEsters, have a great day
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 04:37 on 25th May 2016

WEll, it's evenign here and I'm waiting for thr finals on "DAncing with the stars" tonight....until then, thought I'd come in fo ran few....last two times I've ben in here...I close out of POE and lose my computer connections...we struggle toget connected to the server again. 

My son's birthday is today...and hubby has scouts meeting tuesday nigjts and I didn' twant to miss DWTS final either...but sissy drove me all over today and we got him an few things for camping and going to the beach with his ATV's. Called him also. I can barely hear anything on my phone the last week or so also. I went for an walk the other day see if they put the new street in behind our find out that two houses to the east is an Troutdale policeman....and five houses behind me is an "homeland Security" wonder everyone is alway strying to  zap our area.

Tomarrow I go in for my last doctor's appointment with this doctor...he's closing shop so as to say and retiiring. I have not been on my diet for many weeks now.. and hardly out of bed during the day for several of those it's not good news and he said one time I'd probably "fail" and I have...but maybe that was reading his mind when he said that.  7th week and I'm still not over the leg pains. I bought an $47 can of protein and muscle builder to take also. Wouldn't hurt to try it out tonight....but this stuff is way high in calories. My biggest obsticaleby far is trying to sleep at night....peacefully. I'm up all hours in pain fo rtaking pills for the pain. Only my little kity cat...hardly little any more still comes in an sleeps at th ebottom of my foot after giving me his kisses. Wants me "pets" and I think he'd like me to get better also. Everyone that has eve met him ...esp the ladies...adores him.

Rain incoming by tomarrow late...two canopies are up now in front of the house and two more out back for water proofing things...esp lawn furniture....seeds I planted... just barely coming up now...but they are showing the first couple of tiny leaves....if they come up as intended my whole back yard should be massive flowers in everyplace I haven't got an bush or tree planted in it.  mostly in border plants to all the flower beds. So I go for now, not to much else going now but getting ready for sissy's graduation....she's now offically out of HIgh School as of last Friday, but they don' tgraduate until June day is the family graduation party out an an local park also...we won' t know how many graduation tickets she'll be getting, we were told only 5 of them. So I go for now an play on my tablet until the final show comes on tonight./tomarrow night. Talk to you later on...have an good day/evening or whatever.  

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