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Anybody heard the Cuckoo yet?

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 07:30 on 12th May 2016

You would struggle anyway Edward as we are down the hill somewhat!

I think you might see Great Haseley more easily as it's on the other side of us and Brill is so high up you may see it anyway.

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Edward Lever
Edward Lever
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quotePosted at 17:15 on 12th May 2016

I think this thread has accidentally deviated so much from 'Has anybody heard the cuckoo yet?' that I should start a new thread along the lines of 'How far can you see on a clear day?'

There are so many great vantage points for viewing the English landscape. I am sure PoE members have their own favourite viewing points which they can recommend. 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 08:25 on 13th May 2016

Yes, good point Edward and thanks for starting the new thread.

As for the Cuckoo I haven't heard it again since so what's happened, has the weather had some kind of detrimental affect? The bird only has until June before it stops singing it's 'cuckoo' tune and before it then flies away, so c'mon Cuckoo where are you?

Anybody else heard the Cuckoo yet?

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 11:10 on 15th May 2016

Not heard the Cuckoo yet but i have three nesting boxes around the back garden -a distance apart and two are being occupied by Blue Tits.

Plenty Blackbirds around as well as Goldfinch,Coal Tits,Siskins,and Bullfinch,but with all the nice birds we get the bad ones Wood Pigeons,Doves which are a nuisance due to two neighbours feeding them.Smile

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 07:36 on 20th May 2016
Better get out in the garden with your hearing aid quickly then James as only another month before the Cuckoo will stop singing 'cuckoo' and fly away. The Cuckoo doesn't stay here long (it does it in the nest and disappears) a bit like some humans eh? lol
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