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Peggy Cannell
Peggy Cannell
Posts: 5300
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Location: UK
quotePosted at 10:20 on 29th October 2009

BUT, I had no excuse because as you will see I had taken pictures of the name, and why can it not be spelt the same as Seashore because it sounds the same.

When I took pictures of Postwick I was told it is pronounced Possick.

When a lady's car broke down in Dunwich, she telephoned for roadside service but the controller said he could not  find it on the map, a passer by helped by telling the controller about the spelling because he was looking for Dunidge as that is how it is pronounced,  Wymondham is pronounced Windham etc

But I promise to check in future, probably I hoped I had found a place which you had never heard of  LOL

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
Posts: 19041
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Location: England
quotePosted at 10:38 on 29th October 2009

That's good old England for you Peggy! And hey, there are places not listed on POE but Chris and Sarah will add them as soon as they are made aware.

Thanks for your continued support Peggy.

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