Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

Custom Picture Tours (2)

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Posts: 23275
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Location: South Africa
quotePosted at 14:38 on 4th July 2010
Compliments on your tours Paul & Ted, and thanks for comment Ted - irresistible, lol!
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Marjorie Pope
Marjorie Pope
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quotePosted at 18:52 on 4th July 2010
Ted.  I have just seen a slide show of your first tour and I SO enjoyed it.  Thank you for taking me with you on that long and strenuous walk through your very lovely pictures.  Love them!
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Urmimala Singh
Urmimala Singh
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Location: India
quotePosted at 08:57 on 6th July 2010

Your Cute Pictures tour is very nice indeed Cathy.I enjoyed it immensely.

Ted,your first effort is great too.The views are just awesome!

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quotePosted at 17:49 on 9th July 2010
Congratulations to all the members who have put great Member's tours together this month for our pleasure and enjoyment.  Thank you all so much for sharing these.
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Urmimala Singh
Urmimala Singh
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quotePosted at 08:01 on 12th July 2010

The latest tours are really nice especially the Sound of Music one Cathy.Great idea!

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quotePosted at 09:11 on 12th July 2010
Thank you Urmi, the idea came from the thread "Pictures matching song titles" when Ted did a whole verse of Louis Armstrong's "Its a wonderful world" and he was persuaded to make a tour of it.  It was such a great idea it got my imagination going, so I did one of "My favourite things".  I am glad you like it.  How about you having a go at one?  You do such lovely tours.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 12:17 on 12th July 2010

Every tour is interesting for it's own reason, just time consuming....Lol

But do keep them coming members, great stuff!!

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quotePosted at 12:34 on 12th July 2010
Fantastic, your last tour Urmimala. To set my mind at ease after a week at the office.
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Posts: 23275
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Location: South Africa
quotePosted at 18:29 on 12th July 2010
I agree with Ted, Urmi your tour is lovely and really lives up to its title
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Urmimala Singh
Urmimala Singh
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Location: India
quotePosted at 15:13 on 16th July 2010
Thank you Ted and Cathy ! I am away from home and saw your posts just now.Made my day really bright.Smile

Edited by: urmimala singh at:16th July 2010 15:15
My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions