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Sumorsaet![]() Posts: 3 Joined: 22nd Nov 2016 Location: England | quotePosted at 02:55 on 22nd November 2016 Hello. I am new to POE, so I am cruising around the website, and landed here. I dont get SKY and after reading your posts I dont think I will. However It's nice to know that a broadcaster is attempting to engage us "lesser" photographers in "reality" TV. Not many, perhaps but better than none. I see that many folk here subscribe to several forums, is that the right word? so perhaps may meet when I can be , shall we say, useful. kind regards |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 17:59 on 22nd November 2016 Welcome to POE Mr Dennis (hope you'll allow us a name) Fred, Frank maybe? I'm not a professional photographer by any stretch of the imagination, but I do get around most of the threads with comment and look forward to you joining in also? |
Sumorsaet![]() Posts: 3 Joined: 22nd Nov 2016 Location: England | quotePosted at 00:44 on 23rd November 2016 Hi Ron, thanks for the welcome and yes I was hoping to be able to take part. I am known by all my friends and acquaintances as Sumorsaet, but POE decided that it would do its own thing with that. The website structure is quite loose and I need some time to work it out - my first attempt at this reply just disappeared! So for now I'll resist any temptation to flood the market and hopefully post some careful stuff! I like your roses, have a few myself, - do they have names? $t.
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 09:33 on 26th November 2016 Sumorsaet - now that is very different to what I expected you to respond with, but there surely has to be an explanation behind it? Only if you want to of course, but it conjures up thoughts of being in school and struggling with the spelling of Somerset for example or something to do with a Satsuma? Hmmn, we shall see (maybe) but in any case it's good to hear from you. Don't know the names of the the roses that you refer to, that were in the garden, still are in fact, but they have since attracted the dreaded leaf blight and so the flowers are affected accordingly. Not so much time or inclination to deal with it nowadays, probably a job for the Spring which is on the way. lol
Edward Lever![]() Posts: 734 Joined: 22nd Dec 2005 Location: UK | quotePosted at 09:08 on 27th November 2016 Hello Sumorsaet, your name is unusual but that is not really relevant (please forgive me if that seems rude) but the contribution of your pictures and your opinions and comments are desperately needed to enliven what seems to have become a rather stale state of affairs here on PoE. I am a keen amateur photographer myself, and I am disappointed by the lack of discussion on photographic topics and the lack of comments on submitted pictures. All I will say for now is Welcome, and I look forward to seeing some of your pictures here, and reading your views and comments, because PoE certainly needs some fresh input. |
Sumorsaet![]() Posts: 3 Joined: 22nd Nov 2016 Location: England | quotePosted at 17:54 on 28th November 2016 Hello Edward, thanks for your welcome which has come just in time to hold me from signing out and moving on. I understand how you feel and applaud your speaking out. I have already formed my opinion that the POE website is rather tired, poorly produced, monitored, managed, and little attainment of purpose. Strong? perhaps, but I am a visitor and need to decide where I want to be. Since signing up I have received no recognition (or reply to an email message) from the "owners," and a photo that I submitted is still waiting to be consigned to the great big cardboard box they seem to use instead of a speedy gallery style viewable platform. I really look for something more stimulating -- after 60 years in the hobby I neeed it! But I shall hang around and keep an eye open for a while to see what happens. As you did not sneer at my name I am happy to tell you that it means "One from Somerset" or A Somerset man" in Old English. |
Rod Burkey![]() ![]() Posts: 554 Joined: 2nd Sep 2008 Location: UK | quotePosted at 09:27 on 29th November 2016 Hi Sumorset, It's very good to see a new name in the Forum. Even better that you are contribting to a Photography thread. It is a shame that your image has not as yet been accepyed. PoE needs an injection of quality images. Cannot understand why your picture is still awaiting inclusion as quality seems not to be an issue with PoE. As for Sky Arts, I have watched many good programmes about photography and a recent one was about Jane Bown. I can well understand your apparent dislike of "reality" television. I have read your profile and your straight forward approach to photography is most refreshing and maybe should provoke another thread here. Should you decide to not continue with PoE, you will not be alone, but the site needs more quality pictutres and far more debate in the forums. Edited by: Rod Burkey at:29th November 2016 09:29 |
poe![]() ![]() Posts: 1132 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 20:02 on 29th November 2016 Hi Sumorsaet and welcome to the site.We hope you enjoy it, and thanks for sharing your opinions which matter greatly to us. Firstly, sincere apologies for the delay, I won't bore you with 100 excuses but please be assured your picture has now been approved and a response to your email has been sent. Regarding the issues you mentioned above, we do realise that the site has become a bit 'clunky' with age, which is why we hope to redevelop it from the ground up once we find a way to properly finance this. It won't just be a redesign of the site either, but a complete shake-up of how the site is run, from the whole approval process, to the addition of much more frequent and engaging content for our members to enjoy (as well as the photos of course). Things aren't going to happen overnight however, but please don't let that put you off, there is still plenty to enjoy on the PoE site, with much more to come in time. Regarding quality Rod, we have been making a conscious effort to try and improve the quality of the photos published, or are you referring to the older stock, which we have yet to get round to sorting? I've just approved around 8 pages of images, all of which I believe offer something in the form of good imagery, or interesting subject. Your feedback is appreciated. Chris and Sarah Edited by: poe at:29th November 2016 20:16 |
Rod Burkey![]() ![]() Posts: 554 Joined: 2nd Sep 2008 Location: UK | quotePosted at 21:23 on 29th November 2016 I misspelt your name Sumorsaet. Daft error on my part, and I am sorry if it offended you. When people spell my name as Rob or Rodney is does raise my aged hackles a tad. I do hope that POE undergoes some tweaking as the time has come if possible. The lack of photographic comments in the forum is a shame, as indeed is a fall off in comments made about the photographs submitted. There used to be far more. Looking at the submissions does raise a question in my mind and that is, do many photographs fail to be accepted for quality reasons? I realise that the concept of assembling a large body of work depicting our beautiful land is a good one. I genuinely believe that poor images can adversely affect the overall appeal to those looking, maybe for the first time. Surely it is better to have a higher overall level to satisfy the viewer rather than those contributing. Maybe I'm missing the point and if so, I am truly sorry. I am also guilty of drifting off topic here too. Time to start a new thread?
Rod Burkey![]() ![]() Posts: 554 Joined: 2nd Sep 2008 Location: UK | quotePosted at 17:48 on 25th June 2017 Anyone watching series two? |
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