Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Bridgend looking towards Garw valley


in the county of Bridgend

Dead Mans Locker


a Seaside Town in the county of Cornwall

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

Where could I find VERY detailed maps of the counties ?

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Rob Faleer
Rob Faleer
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quotePosted at 14:11 on 28th March 2013

Dave, I have stayed in the Lake District before, but not for many, many years. My wife, my brother and I once stayed at Hartsop Hall Farm just north of the Kirkstone Pass by the Brother Water. I also once stayed at Low Longthwaite Farm near Watermillock on the Ullswater in 1970 as a very impressionable 18-year-old. It is an incredibly beautiful area for certain! This time around, my wife and I will be staying just outside of Grizebeck at the southwestern end of the National Park.

This is a working trip for me and I am very happy to be going back to that area and also the Scottish Borders. Most of the research that I have done in the past has revolved around the decorative and structural woodwork in medieval churches in the south, east and center of England, as well as Wales. My new line of research takes me north on what is to be my last sabbatical before I retire in a few years . . . somewhat bittersweet for me. I am beginning work on a book dealing with the defensive architecture of the English and Scottish Marches, particularly fortified church towers, pele towers and bastle houses, so there will be quite a bit of hiking going on, for which I am getting in the best physical shape possible! I have been doing some snowshoeing this winter (in Michigan) and now that the snow is going away, I will begin my hiking regimen in earnest in the forested park just down the road from where I live!

So tell me, Dave--do you know of any vegan/vegetarian friendly restaurants or pubs in the areas around Coniston, Ambleside or Bowness-on-Windemere . . . or any other areas? And I would appreciate very much any information you could give me on the cottage where you stay in Ambleside for future reference!

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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 20:37 on 28th March 2013

No problem Rob, I'll check out the eating places and see what i can learn. As to the cottage it is a private deal between me and the owner unfiortunately as they have taken it off the rental market for a while to get more use themselves, but no harm in asking him.... See what i can find and get back to you. Most of the restaurants, and opubs that do food, have veggie options on the menus

Try this site for Ambleside   

Its quite an amateur site but plenty of info

And this one is an absolute pub in Ambleside by far




Edited by: Dave John at:28th March 2013 21:06
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Rob Faleer
Rob Faleer
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quotePosted at 02:52 on 29th March 2013
Thanks for the info, Dave! I have found the Yelp and the Happy Cow phone apps to be very helpful finding veg-friendly places to eat, but they don't always list every place available, so its nice to get some tips from those familiar with an area. I will be sure to visit the Golden Rule as well--sounds like a great pub . . . and I do like a good cask beer!
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quotePosted at 10:43 on 30th March 2013

Back I am! Thanks for all the good ideas, I'm definitely going to take alook at the Ordnance Survey/Landranger sites and see if I can find something suitable.

I really need something 'paper' as I won't have a PC with me and no GPS either! My aunt's car has no such equipment, and we're both rather fond of the good old maps system lol!

Edited by: Floriane at:30th March 2013 10:46
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Dave John
Dave John
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Location: England
quotePosted at 08:25 on 31st March 2013
Always have a 'proper' map with me wherever I go. Satnav and GPS is ok for getting from a-b but you can 'read' a paper map and see the terrain you are going to be on. Also so much more information on a prpoper map.......I can look at maps for hours......
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