Pictures of England


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Shirley K. Lawson
Shirley K. Lawson
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quotePosted at 04:40 on 25th October 2008

 I welcome you all and hope to get to know each and everyone of you through time..blessings!  Enjoy POE and it's lovely pictures....and it's zany group whom love to laugh. Come an join us in the forums.

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Irina Kuznetsova
Irina Kuznetsova
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quotePosted at 04:57 on 25th October 2008

The pictures here are wonderful. They are just like from a fairy-tale. Charming.

I can't wait to visit England. I've been dreaming about it since I was a child. I hope next summer my dream will come true and I'll see some of those beautiful landscapes with my own eyes.

You know I just can't belive that there aren't fairies when I look at the pictures. 


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Irina Kuznetsova
Irina Kuznetsova
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quotePosted at 05:04 on 25th October 2008

* there are NO fairies

sorry...grammar mistake  Yell

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quotePosted at 05:10 on 25th October 2008

Don't you ever stop believing Irina, it's only when you stop believing ina all the good things, thet you loose the innocence of childhood and take on the synical approach to life that so many adults see as normal.

No-one has ever proven to me that there are no such things as fairies and magic, how else do the rings of toadstools appear in my garden every now and then.

The miracle of childhood is a fairy tale in itself. Dream and believe.

Edited by: Wolf at:25th October 2008 05:16
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Irina Kuznetsova
Irina Kuznetsova
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quotePosted at 05:24 on 25th October 2008

I absolutely agree with you Wolf. It's just nobody ever said such things to me but I always thought it's true.

And if there are fairies England is the best place for them to live in. There is magic in it's nature I can't explain and it's wonderful.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 10:31 on 25th October 2008

Irina, the only 'Fairy' in England that I know of is that Peter! (He's my mate really)

By the way Wolf, like your new 'scary' outfit for the avatar. I suppose it is an outfit??

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Ray Stear
Ray Stear
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quotePosted at 10:38 on 25th October 2008
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 14:50 on 25th October 2008
I thought it was Harold Wilson being knighted.....maybe not ???
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 15:57 on 25th October 2008
Actually Paul, it does bear a resemblance does'nt it? Still an ugly b.....d, but not as ugly as Peter!
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 17:50 on 25th October 2008

Can you believe this lot? Trying to scare the newcomers away.

Great bew avatar Wolf.

By the way, Ron is only picking on me because he's Jealous that I have more hair than he has. When I get it cut Ron, I will save it for you to have a wig made. He he he.

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