Pictures of England


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Ryan Brown
Ryan Brown
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quotePosted at 02:55 on 20th September 2010

Well... hi.

I was born in and grew up till age nine in London (Camden).  We moved from our pleasant fifth-floor flat to Hounslow, there for a year or so, then off to a village in Essex, and finally to Devon.  Moved around the world for a couple years and ended up here in foggy San Francisco, California.

Anyway, I'm nineteen, attending University of California at Santa Cruz (it's a terrible commute), and missing England...  I think this site is brilliant and have been on it for a while, I thought I'd finally actually join.

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 04:19 on 20th September 2010
Hello, Ryan.  Nice to meet you.  I expect you must be very homesick for England, and there's no doubt why.  But you've found the right website if you're looking to see some wonderful images of your native land.  That's why we keep coming back.  Nice bunch of people here on the forum too.  I'm one state over in Arizona, but I love San Francisco.  Hope you love it here on POE (Pictures of England).  Best of luck at the University.
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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 04:45 on 20th September 2010

Welcome to POE Ryan. I am glad you decided to join us. You will find that people here on this forum are very loving, caring and supportive. So if you need a boost or some hugs you will find an abundance. It is very hard to be away from home. I hope when you are done with college you will find an opportunity to get back home and see if it is where you want to spend the rest of your life. I have visited England twice now and never wanted to leave. I live in Baltimore, Maryland, grew up here. But my maiden name is England. So a bit of family history there. My heart literally belongs there.

Until you can get back we are here for you. Lots of hugs for you to help ease the discomfort of missing home. Smile

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quotePosted at 06:49 on 20th September 2010

Hi Ryan, and a warm welcome to POE.Smile

Never mind how long you are away from England I don't think you can ever get rid of the yearning to return. (I have been away now for 40 years) What is is about that tiny island that has such a pull?? Undecided

But this is the best site ever for feeling close to "home" and "family".  I do hope that you will enjoy it and make the most of it and I'm glad you decided to join in and not just "peek".Laughing

The very best of luck with your studies. Smile

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 08:06 on 20th September 2010

Hi Ryan, welcome to POE from Anna and Ron. You have now found the very best website and forum on the net bar none. Enjoy it, and us members also as you peruse the wonderful facilities here, along with the pictures submitted by the members.

And just to answer CathyML's question above: >>>What is is about that tiny island that has such a pull??

Well, it's ME of course in C. S. Lewis territory (Oxford)... Lol

Good luck and nice to have you aboard.

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quotePosted at 12:10 on 20th September 2010

Hi Ryan!!! Welcome to POE. I understand the feeling of homesickness for England....even though I've never been there!! lol...I know...strange..

What's your major at school?

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Ryan Brown
Ryan Brown
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quotePosted at 14:50 on 20th September 2010

Wow, I didn't expect such a warm and friendly response!  It's nice to see others out there who feel the same way I do... I hope for a long tenure at POE and to get to know each and every one of you.

Also, my major is Chemistry and my minor is French. 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 14:57 on 20th September 2010

Should be able to conjure up a mixture or two for when some of these women get out of hand then Ryan? And they do believe me, just stay tuned!! Lol

As for the friendly response, there are a whole lot more to welcome you yet so hang on in there!

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quotePosted at 15:25 on 20th September 2010

Ha Ron...funny!!

It is fun here Ryan! Cool major!

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 16:09 on 20th September 2010

Hi Ryan and welcome to Poe from me too. Know Houslow well from my days I went league bowling there, living up the road in the Ealing area.

Chemistry wasn't exactly my best  subject in high school and after a year of it, that was enough for me ! Smile

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