Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Elaine Brunner's Favourites

Attractions - Towns - Pictures

Favourite pictures

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Canterbury Cathedral Cloisters

Canterbury Cathedral Cloisters

St. Martin's Church

St. Martin's Church

St. Martin's Church

St. Martin's Church

St. Martin's Church

St. Martin's Church

Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral

The West Gate

The West Gate

Canterbury interior

Canterbury interior

A random view of Canterbury.

A random view of Canterbury.

A random view of Canterbury.

A random view of Canterbury.

The Westgate and River Stour Canterbury

The Westgate and River Stour Canterbury

Westgate and Guildhall Canterbury.

Westgate and Guildhall Canterbury.

Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral

A random view of Canterbury.

A random view of Canterbury.

Westgate and Guildhall

Westgate and Guildhall

This is taken in the gardens outside the city walls in Canterbury, Kent in Sept. of 2005

This is taken in the gardens outside the city walls in Canterbury, Kent in Sept. of 2005

Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral
Canterbury Cathedral from 2000'

Harley at the West Gate

Harley at the West Gate
I'm not a biker myself, but I couldn’t resist taking this pic of a big Harley parked opposite the West Gate.

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Attractions - Towns - Pictures