Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Beth Ireland's Profile

Beth Ireland

About Me

I love my husband of 32 years and my two lovely children God has blessed me with one of each a boy and a Girl my oldest works as a graphic designer for the "Greensheet" paper and my younger a son is a sword toting twirling maniac he can swing a sword around that is four feet long at least. I love my pets cat and dog and love to work on my family History when I met my husband we knew very little about the IRELAND surname his Grandfather died when his Dad was only two years old so it has taken me Ten years to find that his grandparents were married in Canada to get a copy of the certificate then things started to move along once over that brick wall now we are at this dead end. Everything says Ireland is an ancient name what ever that means. Well Ill just have to keep looking.:)

A selection of my latest pictures

Alter at Sant Mary the Virgin
A picture of Charlton Mackrell in the county of Somerset
Submitted on 2nd July 2008
St Mary the Virgin Church
A picture of Charlton Mackrell in the county of Somerset
Submitted on 2nd July 2008