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Good Day "40"

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 23:02 on 6th July 2013
Away now early dart manyana need a bit of shuteye Smile        
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Vince Hawthorn
Vince Hawthorn
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Posted at 23:04 on 6th July 2013
 all the best James.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 07:38 on 7th July 2013

Hi to all, up early and out to try to cut the grass before it gets too hot. Tablets taken to ease the pain, sun blocker in the cupboard and breakfast will have to wait.

Have a great day folks

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Dave John
Dave John
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Posted at 09:29 on 7th July 2013
Glorious here too, got my 12ft square of grass to cut later. Should have been at the Waddington Airshow but daughter decided last night that what with 2 kids, a pushchair and a picnic hamper there was not gonna be enough room for me in the car!!!!! And only a couple of weeks ago she was imploring me to go with them. Even the fact that I was only taking a couple of sandwiches did not seem to create any more room.....never mind, plenty to do here.... and will save a LOT of money. £29 to get in plus would have had to buy the grandson a few aircraft type things as well.....
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 09:49 on 7th July 2013

Ha, ha, ha nice one daughter!

Mind you she could have tied you to the roof rack, like I offered the mother-in-law once. Told her she could lie on her back, head facing frontwards so as not to create too much drag on the engine and for best streamlining effect!

So another candidate for a diet then eh Dave? It's not hard mate honest! (lol) I've been 19 stone 12 pounds ever since I lost nearly 3 stones, but can't seem to get rid of the rest. Too much sitting around I guess, but thats when the osteoarthritis takes it's toll...

Nevermind Dave, keep taking the tablets!


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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 09:56 on 7th July 2013
Good Morning all,another nice day eh --nothing to do to-day all done outside apart from a little brushing up.  have a nice daySmile
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Dave John
Dave John
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Posted at 09:56 on 7th July 2013
Consider myself VERY lucky Ron. I'm 61 and do not take any tablets at all, apart the occassional Iboprufen for self induced problems.... if you get my drift, not that I am GROUSING about it. Fairly static 12 st 9 but  still like to lose a bit more. But as you get older it's a lot harder to shift, but so bl**dy easy to put on. Sitting at a desl 5 days a week doesn't help, and then that is compounded by sitting here for hours on end for 'pleasure' ..... such is life eh??
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 10:04 on 7th July 2013

That's it isn't it Dave, it's the way we are today.

Going back a few years I would have been cutting logs for the fires, gardening without trouble, plus dig 20 pole alllotment and still come home to lift the engine out of the car with a rope around my shoulders! No block and tackle in those days, mind you the Ford 100E and 105E engines were a lot lighter then. You could have the head off, grind in the valves and put it all back together in an afternoon.

Then there was the decorating to do and I had to go work of course, where I was paid £3.8.6 a week! Crikey I was a hard working man!! lol

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Dave John
Dave John
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Posted at 10:11 on 7th July 2013

£3.8.6 ????   I was beginning to belive what you where saying until you metioned your pay!!!! I can't belive you were paid THAT much. That currency seems SO far away now ! ! !

Anyway off to cut the grass and sit in the sun for a while.....

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 11:29 on 7th July 2013
It's so far away that I had to stop and think about how to write it!
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