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Pat Trout
Pat Trout
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Posted at 18:07 on 19th May 2014

Good evening, its Raining here now after a lovely sunny Morning,

Pleased to hear your trees are now Budding,

I will upload a pic of the Bull tomorrow, how close we were, he was right on the path that we had to walk on

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Posted at 18:19 on 19th May 2014
Bad news about your weather Pat, I think the forecast is for rain here too tomorrow. Look forward to seeing your bull Smile
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 19:26 on 19th May 2014
Good Evening to all---been out most of the day --how is everyone doingi hope Pat sorts her Bull out sharpish.----you ok Ruth after your visit over here.??Wink
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Posted at 19:38 on 19th May 2014
Hi James, I'm fine thanks, we drove though Ormskirk too on the way, that looks like a lovely town too. Might have to stop for an explore next time. We were running to quite a strict timetable because David needed to be on the beach in Blackpool and hour before low tide so he could start harvesting his worms. Next time if we can avoid the worms we will have more time Smile
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 19:56 on 19th May 2014
Has he always had trouble with the worms--there is some good cream on the market nowWink
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Posted at 20:07 on 19th May 2014

Very funny James Laughing

At least he's got his own freezer now, I don't have to share mine with hundreds of the bloomin things wrapped in cling film Undecided

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Dave John
Dave John
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Posted at 20:32 on 19th May 2014
My dad and I used to go freshwater fishing and mum always used to complain when put our maggots in the fridge, never could understand whyUndecided They were in sealed containers by the way. Then when I got hooked on photography I would often have upto 100 rolls of film filling a shelf. Used to get some really good deals buying multiple packs of 10 rolls both colour and B&W
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Posted at 20:41 on 19th May 2014

I find maggots stored in my fridge quite regularly, I'm not bothered as long as they're in a sealed container and don't smell. In fact thinking about it I get all sorts of odd looking stuff to do with fishing plonked in there Undecided

Maybe I'm just too easy going to make a fuss, as long as everything is clean I don't mind.

Don't try putting a knife, fork or spoon facing the wrong way in the kitchen drawer though  Wink

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 00:00 on 20th May 2014

You guys must really be into this fishing thing...I'm still an novice. I can't get anyone to take the time out to take me fishing around here. But I've caught at least one beauty over at the Warm Springs Reservation on the Deshutes River one summer.  I was simply tickled pink. I would never store this kind of stuff with my food..he'd have to buy one of those little shelf refrigerators for storing them in there.

I was out banking this morning with my social security check...or in so many words saving the entire thing for property taxes that are way to high these days for limited income people. Will be doing that for several months to We need to many things now to have much extra. Tomarrow is voting day also.

I finished off the garden by getting some tomato cages...and some plants on clearance. Not very many of them though...and some red/white/blue flowers for July 4th's picnic table..if we have one.  I liked what we did last year and saw fireworks down the end of the balcony in our motel room three stories up. We got us some take out food and ate on the table in our room looking out over the bay of water waiting for them to start. By the time they started we watched them in three different areas.

I ran into some more "#$@@" genealogy someone wroke up that's most likely an complete lie. They spelled the Keith name as "Kith"

Remeber our Giles Rogers in the recent legacy said he was an child molester in France...that I said was more likely an persecuted "Templar Knight" of his day. Well, they did an little speil on him also.They have him down as royality ok...all the way back to "Charlemagne"...I have him back an consultant to the military for King Edward I....but I have his lineages as I thought were Arabic/muslim at the I think I'm wrong...I think he was an Black Jew...coming out of Isreal. But his kin has MIddle Eastern names...before it got to Rodgers. I never saw any connection with him to Charlemagne exactly. I still feel he was an early early Templar knight...and was behind King Edward's military production of weapons for his army.  This article gives no dates or nor explicit material on how he's related to Charlemagne....and that's one of the first ways you can tell it false. They said they didn't give it because the article would of been to long if they had genealogy wise, but those that don' t state the facts may be wrong. Nor have I ever seen and "Kith" family for the name of Keith either....which is Scottish originally. Remember the singer named "Ertha Kit"...that would come closest to an "Kith" name I can think of. Then of course there was also "Kit Carson" to history. But that's about it right now. He's in the right area of Rev. James Keith...of Faquier County, Virginia though...but not as the name of "Kith" for Keith...that family is quite well educated...eps after Rev. Samuel Davies told him to go back to Scotland and get his "papers" for being an ordained minister.  After he did..he came back to Colonial America through Williamsburg, Va. Rev. Samuel Davies wife was from Williamsburg, that makes sense to me. Rev. Samuel Davis then went on to help form and eventually serve as it's President..Princeton College in New Jersey.I believe our "Davies" family is of this legacy. George Washington stayed with him in New Jersey several times and he came away quite impressed with the formation of the College and what it intended to do according to hisbio".  Back to Mr. Giles Rogers...they have only recently came out with an younger generation in legacy in Virginia...I've never seen before...but this is the kind of legagacies that are now coming out in general that are so false and muddle brained in ways. Some day in the future I see us once again from these kind of geanelogy's marrying our own kin once again..just cause we don' tknow the truth and it's been rewritten to reflect something that is false. All about "Power and control" I guess you know. I must get going for has went quickly.


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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 02:22 on 20th May 2014

Ok..I'm back for an few minutes....on Giles Rogers....At first I thought he was  an Muslim based family, because Queen Elenor brought with her to England her "moors" religious group....but then something rang a bell with that the DNA tests from the Saponi Tribes is saying they are Shepardic Jew lineages by blood...neither negroid nor Native American. My Jewish Cookbook I just got...says there are three divisions of them..Ashkenizac...Western an dcentral Europe....Oreintal Jews..strickly from the Middle East...and Shepardic Jews...Ladino speaking Jews of the Iberian Penisula and the I looked that up...the Iberian Penninsula is made up of Spain, Portugal, Andorra, and the Gilbrater area an British Crown Colony.....the Levant includes most of modern Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Isreal, the Palenstinian territories, parts of Cyrus, Turkey, Iraq, and the historic area of greater Syria.

Now Charlemagne was all over as an emperor in his day...but he came out of the Frankish movement  from Germany...and founded the Carolingians that influenced France in it's early days. 

So...I beleive that I have followed my research work on all this...and it fits in perfectly with the "ties" to the first Crusades by the templar Knights. I believe thier German influence came from Godfrey Boullion and the templar knights then it does from the Germans...when the Franks went into Normany France. But ti does raise the question as if they did know of Jesus II.. oldest.son of Jesus Christ and did indeed come to North America around Rhode Island and went north an bit and settled there according to "Untold America" on this area. So I still beleive the early remanants of the Rogers family came from the middle east. My guess...they were some of the metal merchants of their day traveling with Joseph of Amrimathea and Jesus second son (Justus) in that merchantile business of it's day then along the Mediterrean Sea. Maybe the name of Rogers originally came from the word "rouge" perhaps an pirate as much an ship owner/captain...or an nickna,e kind of. None of the article above mentions this in the "Kith" family. I am still awaiting to hear what they find of those newly discovered mentalurgy villages they recently found buried in the sands...south of Cairo, Egypt.... for done with this article.

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