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What is your weather like today?

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Paul HiltonPremier Member - Click for more info
Paul Hilton
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Posted at 20:36 on 11th February 2009

After the last few days of snow storms with thunder and lightning; torrential rain,sunshine, gales, flooding, and ice,and generally freezing, its seems to be a typical British week.

If you're not happy with the weather, just stick around a bit and see what else turns up.

Edited by: Paul Hilton at:11th February 2009 20:40
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Posted at 20:42 on 11th February 2009

Must be fun to be a weather man in the UK!!

Hi Paul!! Long time no see!

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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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Posted at 14:02 on 12th February 2009
Blustery is not a good enough word for today! Winds and gusts up to 60 mph today. Trees and wires down all over the place. Thank goodness it is on the warm side. High around 50 degrees F.
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Posted at 14:07 on 12th February 2009

The wind is wicked here today too!!!!  I couldn't get the door open at school and got smacked in the face with dirt and junk in the parking lot! AND the stop sign fell off right in front of my car!

I'm gonna hide under my desk today!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 14:15 on 12th February 2009
Thought Friday 13th was tomorrow Krissy? Weather here today cold and windy but pleasant with the snow still melting on the hills. Looking forward to springtime and the sunshine.
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Posted at 14:23 on 12th February 2009
I think I get an extra day of bad luck Ron!!
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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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Posted at 11:16 on 13th February 2009
YEA!! The wind has died down to 18 mph!!! High of 45 degrees F on a sunny day!
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 17:08 on 15th February 2009
Mild here today after the snow but a little windy. Certainly not bad though and not cold.
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Rutledge Webb, Jr.
Rutledge Webb, Jr.
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Posted at 22:27 on 15th February 2009

I've been looking at for the last few weeks and it seems that it is warmer in the the northernmost part of the Uk than it is in the southern part and London. Is that typical in wintertime or is there a front coming from Europe over to you guys?

My wife and I have made plans to be in London at the end of March and am hoping for temps at least in the  mid 50s fahrenheit.

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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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Posted at 14:33 on 16th February 2009
Beautiful sunny day with a high of only 38 degrees F. Sigh!
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