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What is your weather like today?

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Posts: 15430
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Posted at 12:18 on 20th March 2009
First day of Spring....and....IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!! YellSurprised
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Barbara Shoemaker
Barbara Shoemaker
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Posted at 13:32 on 20th March 2009
And here I was complaining because it's cold and windy!  At least the sun is shining here.  Happy Spring anyway, Krissy!
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Sue H
Sue H
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Posted at 13:51 on 20th March 2009

Yes, first day of Spring. Happy Spring everyone!

It's still early here, but the forecast is good, and then tomorrow we will join Krissy and get ourselves another snow storm.

Happy Spring everyone Smiley flower 027.gif .

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Posted at 13:53 on 20th March 2009

Happy Spring Barbara and Sue!!!

I must admit I am really happy winter is OVER!!!  Even though I just had to turn the heat up!! LOLL!

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Sue H
Sue H
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Posted at 13:54 on 20th March 2009
I believe our snow storm is going to just blow through, and next week back to some Spring weather. I too am glad to get Winter over and done with.
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Posted at 13:56 on 20th March 2009
I can't wait to start planting flowers!! I have a deck (I'm on the second floor) but have room for planters!! I have to start buying just trying to decide which are best!
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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Posted at 23:05 on 20th March 2009

A bit warm today - it's currently 88° at 4:05 PM, with a few high clouds.


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Sue H
Sue H
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Posted at 23:09 on 20th March 2009

88 Ruth, that's fantastic!  It's been pleasant here, but we are at the stage where it is warmer outside than in the house. It's very annoying when the heat comes on, then I go outside and it's warm.

It's so good to see you here, and it's good to see Andy and all of his wonderful pictures in the Latest Pictures tour.


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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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Posted at 23:19 on 20th March 2009
Hi Sue!  Lovely to see you too.  I haven't looked at latest pics, so I'm on my way over to check them out.  I did post one that was scrolling along the top of the page - of snails.  The snail pics are blowing me away!!!
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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Posted at 00:31 on 21st March 2009

I know this is the weather thread, but since Sue mentioned Andy's pictures, I just felt I had to put this one up here.  Can't you just feel the thaw as you're walking down this lovely path?!?!  Smile  I think it's a very appropriate "picture" of weather how it should be on the first day of spring!

Walking the path around the lake at Denaby Ings
Picture by Andy Edwards

 I'll be Spring in England is just fabulous!


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