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The Boeing Vertol Chinook, lessons on landing in confined spaces.

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Andy Edwards
Andy Edwards
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quotePosted at 16:22 on 22nd April 2008

1) Become a member of the Royal family.

2) Make sure your girlfriend has a very large garden.

3) Ensure the RAF rather like you.

4) Drop off the 44 troops and the underslung tank before attempting this manouvre.

5) Camoflague your chopper to blend in with the water feature and pergola.

6) Don't wake the neighbours with the 'slapping' noise of the rotor blades, remember the tips exceed the speed of sound and can be jolly noisy.

7) For goodness sake don't ask the locals for fuel.

8) Pull gently on the collective stick, ensuring the throttle setting is correct at flare, steer into the wind using the cyclic control......use next doors washing as a windsock if at all possible.

9) Above all, be polite. Some people may not be pleased with a 60ft helicopter near their rooftops.

10) Pour yourself a Pimms, you're safely down.

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 16:54 on 22nd April 2008

I passed over this report when I was reading BBC News on the web, but now I think I will go back and read it.

Thanks Andy.

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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 17:23 on 22nd April 2008
It's the only way to travel..I do it all the time. He he he.
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 22:04 on 17th May 2008
The event Andy alludes to isn't that far from where I live, but out of earshot of landing Chinooks, so my chance to get a photo simply passed by. This was unike a few years ago while driving a double decker bus in the countryside and the noise of a Chinook was getting extremely loud; indeed I thought it must be landing on the roof and stopped to see just where it was; suddenly appearing just to my right metres away as it touched down.
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quotePosted at 22:37 on 17th May 2008
We often have these flying over the fields at the bottom of our garden, I work on an RAF camp thats not far from me, they do the training there for these and other military things, the noise they make as they do a low fly past over the fields is really DEAFENING Yell.... I will ask them to slow down next time and give me a wave so I can take a photo lol Wink
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