Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Defend They Ryghts

Southwold in the county of Suffolk

Sheerness, on the Isle of Sheppey, Kent

Sheerness in the county of Kent

Autumn morning

Burley in the county of Hampshire

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

Hairy Blonde Cows?

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Debbie Adams
Debbie Adams
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quotePosted at 02:26 on 15th March 2009
Hi all, my husband and i were just wanting to know if England has any of those long haired Blonde cows like Ireland and Scotland?lol I know what a silly question but we were just amuzed by these cows we have cows here but Not with long blonde hair,lol In Scotland they called them the hairy beast,lol We went way out of our way to try to get a picture and still had to by a postcard with one on it because the pictures did not turn out well,,,lol
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Jason T
Jason T
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quotePosted at 08:11 on 15th March 2009

Hi Debbie, I didn't say hi on the intro thread, so hello now!!

Yes we do have the hairy blond cows!!! Laughing  they are highland cattle, i think they originate from Scotland, but there are a fair few around down here too. You have to look though, they're not as common as the black and white ones!!Smile

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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 08:12 on 15th March 2009

Do you mean the Highland Cattle Debbie?

highland cattle 4-thm.jpg
They are lovely! I have only really seem them in Scotland (never been to Ireland). I think they are sometimes in some of the animal parks in England but I have never seen them in farms here personally. I have seen the Longhorn cattle here though in Pembrokeshire. They are not as pretty as the Highland ones though!
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Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 08:13 on 15th March 2009
Hi Jason - and snap!
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Jason T
Jason T
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quotePosted at 08:14 on 15th March 2009

oh you beat me with the pic though Steph!!! Laughing  they're more hairy ginger cows aren't they!!!Laughing

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Jason T
Jason T
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quotePosted at 08:15 on 15th March 2009
Hey they have a herd in Rugeley!! I'm gonna try to get a photo of them later!!!   oh and Hi Steph!Smile
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Debbie Adams
Debbie Adams
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quotePosted at 14:26 on 15th March 2009

Thanks Guys, Thats the cows!!! They are so cute;;-)))) I love the pictures you all sent i am gonna try to snag them,,lolSealed

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quotePosted at 14:58 on 15th March 2009

I love those cows!!  I wonder if you have to take them to the groomers!! LOL!!  (kidding!!!) But you never see them here in the US!!!  I love Jersey cows here in America...they have the sweetest faces.

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quotePosted at 16:49 on 15th March 2009
Think they are called Aberdeen Angus cattle Debbie. There are breeders in England that farm them. They make fantastic beefburgers and beef steaks lol
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 17:55 on 15th March 2009

Aberdeen Angus is a bulky predominantly black bovine Michael.

The hairy ones are indeed Highland Cattle or Kyloe.

Both are edible  .

Edited by: Sue H. at:15th March 2009 18:09
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