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Hugs and get well wishes for our Stephanie...

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Xxxx Xxxx
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quotePosted at 03:31 on 6th April 2009
Hi Steph... my Yorkshire mum would have us kids place a clove sprig beside the gum nearest the aching tooth.. swill with warm seasalt water too,  a few times a day..wards off bacteria growth from the Debbie says...finally ~a goodly shot of hooch... I recommend Bowmore Whiskey from the island of Islay.. accept no substitutes! Smile
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 05:10 on 6th April 2009

Sorry to hear you're hurting, Stephanie.  Hope it's resolved soon.  Dental problems are the worst.


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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 07:51 on 6th April 2009

Thank you so much my dear friends and especially Rick for starting this thread for me. I feel dreadful - it has spread all up my face, ear & jaw. I saw the dentist Saturday and he has given antibiotics but I think I will have to go back today. I don't even feel well enough to come on POE!

We have also had more problems at the house - I think we are beaten this time and when I am better I think we will have to sell.

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 13:21 on 6th April 2009

Stephanie!  That's horrible, is it your wisdom teeth?  What does the dentist say?

I am so sorry about the trouble at your house...bless you!

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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 17:04 on 6th April 2009
On 6th April 2009 07:51, Stephanie Jackson wrote:

Thank you so much my dear friends and especially Rick for starting this thread for me. I feel dreadful - it has spread all up my face, ear & jaw. I saw the dentist Saturday and he has given antibiotics but I think I will have to go back today. I don't even feel well enough to come on POE!

We have also had more problems at the house - I think we are beaten this time and when I am better I think we will have to sell.

We love you and know all will be right,I am in your shoes Stephanie as well,,,,Might have to sell the house(have only been here since last august)if a proposed high speed highway comes to lite....
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Xxxx Xxxx
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quotePosted at 17:09 on 6th April 2009
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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 03:49 on 7th April 2009

Thanks Anna. I am trying everything at the moment. I couldn't sleep for the pain.

It is an absyss Diana - under one of my back teeth. The poison has spread along my jaw, to my ear and is going down my throat. It it closes my throat the dentist said i will have to go to hospital. She will have to take the tooth out but they are super busy due to the holidays so I have to go on Good Friday but I am having to ring daily for cancellations. She said it will be a surgical procedure as it is so deeply routed so I will still feel rotten after so goodbye to my Easter hols!

Sorry to hear that you might have a speed highway there Rick - how awful in such a beautiful place. Our problem is neighbours a few doors up (after 14 years they have suddenly decided to be nasty to everyone but especially us) combined with the vandalism & anti social behavior we have to endure by our fence.
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Xxxx Xxxx
Xxxx Xxxx
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quotePosted at 04:24 on 7th April 2009

Go to hospital before you are in a state of distress... not wait.

I wish you the best outcome for the surgery...supporting your immune system with cleansing teas,is helpful &  if possible attend a health food store and ask for detox preparations....


best wishes,


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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 09:42 on 7th April 2009
Sorry to hear about your tooth problems and hope it's soon resolved and back to normal again. I can appreciate what you're saying about your neighbors and we've ad similar ourselves with one family next door determined to make your life a misery not to mention damage to property and cars which  was an on-gong campaign of theirs. Finally they were moved out.
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Mark Green
Mark Green
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quotePosted at 13:28 on 7th April 2009

Stephanie... that has got to be one of the most painful things you can have. I really hope that you manage to get into hospital and get it sorted quickly.

Take care.

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