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Searching for a location from movie Pride and Prejudice w/ Keira Knightley

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quotePosted at 19:22 on 31st January 2010

I have searched for a photo and info on the location of one scene from the movie of some of the family sitting in a heavily wooded area on low hanging tree limbs. It was a very remarkable site and l would love to find out its location. Does anyone know where it was filmed? l have searched and l just do not know how to search anymore. Thankyou, Tere

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Rob Faleer
Rob Faleer
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quotePosted at 19:56 on 31st January 2010


I checked the Internet Movie Database at by clicking on "Title" in the search bar and typing in "Pride and Prejudice." Once I got to the film information, I clicked on "filming locations" under "Other Info" in the left-hand column. Several locations were listed, but the location you are looking for was too specific to initially locate, though if you do some more searching, you can add some of the locations and you might get a lucky break. I suspect that your locations may have been filmed on the grounds of one of the manor houses used in the film, probably either Chatsworth (Derbyshire) or the garden at Stourhead (Wiltshire). Sorry I can't be more specific.

Edited by: Rob Faleer at:2nd February 2010 10:51
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quotePosted at 20:04 on 31st January 2010
Oh I know exactly which scene you are talking about!! I'm with Rob...thinking it's Derbyshire....maybe Matlock? Good luck! I hope you find it. If you do let me know!
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Rob Faleer
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quotePosted at 20:18 on 31st January 2010
Another top location would probably be Groombridge Place in Kent, the filming location of the Bennett home--the trees in this location are very old and spectacular. I suspect that this is a better possibility than the sites I mentioned earlier. Also, the entire Bennett family cast spent a great deal of time together at this property. Just a thought.
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Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 07:08 on 1st February 2010

I have put this link on your introduction as well. It might be worth checking the locations listed here on POE to see if anyone has taken a photo of the tree.

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Rob Faleer
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quotePosted at 14:21 on 1st February 2010
On 1st February 2010 07:08, Stephanie Jackson wrote:

I have put this link on your introduction as well. It might be worth checking the locations listed here on POE to see if anyone has taken a photo of the tree.

I'll have to put my daughter onto this site--every once in a while she and my wife have a Jane Austen movie marathon, especially the versions of Pride and Prejudice!

One of the locations in the 2005 version, North Lees Hall, is available as a rental via the Vivat Trust (, offering two apartments with full kitchens. The hall is just outside of Hathersage in Derbyshire and stands just under Stannage Edge, the cliff where Keira Knightley stood. North Lees was also used in at least one of the recent Jane Eyre films.


Stanage Edge
Picture by John Godley


Hathersage Church
Picture by Mick Carver


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quotePosted at 03:45 on 2nd February 2010

Hi Ron thank you for all your valuable information. I tried to find information on Groombridge Place in Kent and nothing came up...on this site. Do you know for sure there is an actual place with that name? Many names came up but not one was specifically Groombridge. Thank you for for the info on IMDB. l have never been to that webpage before.

Thank you Stephanie for your info on P&P. l enjoyed seeing the details of where most of the P&P movies were filmed. l appreciate your help also.

I am still looking and hope to find the exact location one day. l think l will look at the movie again for that specific scene. It could be l am describing it all wrong.



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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 07:59 on 2nd February 2010

There is a Groombridge in East Sussex just over the Kent border on Poe---

But, Groombridge Place is near Tunbridge Wells in Kent.  You can see it at  I was surprised the places near myself used also in the filming which are all stately home type places. Upper Basildon also includes nice park land around it too. P&P was also filmed at Lacock in Wiltshire and thought it was the latest 2005 version but seems it was the 1995 version plus the BBC one too.

Edited by: Paul Hilton at:2nd February 2010 08:05
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Rob Faleer
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quotePosted at 11:16 on 2nd February 2010
On 2nd February 2010 03:45, tere wrote:

Hi Ron thank you for all your valuable information. I tried to find information on Groombridge Place in Kent and nothing came up...on this site. Do you know for sure there is an actual place with that name? Many names came up but not one was specifically Groombridge. Thank you for for the info on IMDB. l have never been to that webpage before.

Glad to help, Tere. You might also want to take a look at Flickr (, which has many photos of Groombridge Place and it's Enchanted Forest. Flickr is an enormous worldwide repository of member photos--there are tens of thousands of photos of England there, though IMHO Flickr is not nearly the friendly family that POE has become--given the choice, I much prefer POE. It is a useful site, along with the image hosting site Photobucket (, for storing and/or sharing your digital images. I know that some of the POE members are also members of Photobucket and I would not be surprised if many were also members of Flickr as well.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 12:31 on 2nd February 2010

Rob says>>>I'll have to put my daughter onto this site--every once in a while she and my wife have a Jane Austen movie marathon, especially the versions of Pride and Prejudice!

Well, where are they Rob? Were waiting..............................................Lol

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