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Ever seen a Ghost ?

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John Ravenscroft
John Ravenscroft
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quotePosted at 06:12 on 31st July 2008

I've always been fascinated by the idea of the supernatural and the paranormal and I'd love to live in a universe that contained ghosts, astral projection, telekinesis etc.

Sadly, I don't think I do.

There's a lass called Susan Blackmore who used to spend her time investigating the paranormal. After 25 years, she's given up because she never found any evidence that stood up to scientific investigation. She writes:

Imagine this ... Imagine a world in which if you love someone enough, or need them enough, your minds will communicate across the world wherever you are, regardless of space and time. Imagine a world in which, if only you can think a thought clearly and powerfully enough it can take on a life of its own, moving objects and influencing the outcome of events far away. Imagine a world in which each of us has a special inner core - a ‘real self’ - that makes us who we are, that can think and move independently of our coarse physical body, and that ultimately survives death, giving meaning to our otherwise short and pointless lives. This is (roughly speaking) how most people think the world is. It is how I used to think -and even hope - that the world is. I devoted 25 years of my life to trying to find out whether it is.  Now I have given up.

Her article here

... is worth reading.

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 07:21 on 31st July 2008
Welcome John and to also add I particularly enjoyed going through your website last night. I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with Miss Blackmore though, for my own experiences since 1968 have been quite different, a couple of which you might have read a bit earlier in the thread. They were written not as something fabricated, not as something imaged, but because it was/is simply the truth.  Can I consciously do the things I mentioned?  I'd say a qualified no. I believe it's your sub-consciousness doing it and depends if your concious picks up on it or not. Some times it does, sometimes it doesn't. As I've experienced some of the things she says doesn't happen, I'm afraid on those things, I shall have to disagree on. It's also the way she's specifically stated things that I would agree will not happen as she says, at least by my experience. But things will happen other ways she seems to have avoided stating above, mostly.
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quotePosted at 07:36 on 31st July 2008
It's an interesting subject, ghosts, but I'm not sure they exist. I would want to see one for myself before I can really believe in them. I'm open minded though and accept that others have seen things, just as I have seen UFO's (some people scoff at this, but I KNOW what I saw)  So I don't say they definitely DON'T exist! But as for  programmes like 'Most Haunted' I'm not too sure about, nothing is ever actually shown on there as a ghost, just 'orbs' that to me can be dust flying around in the darkness and picked up on the night vision cameras, and the crashes and bangs on there could possibly be the crew that you can't see in the darness?? Anyhow when I see one for myself, I will let you know Smile
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John Ravenscroft
John Ravenscroft
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quotePosted at 08:09 on 31st July 2008

Thanks for the welcome, Paul - and I'm delighted to hear you visited my website.

I thought I saw a ghost once. I was out walking in the early hours and I saw a guy pruning a rosebush in a garden. After I'd moved on it struck me as strange that he should be doing that at 3 in the morning, so I went back to check.

He wasn't there - but I saw how the moonlight amongst the leaves made a pattern of shadows that was sort of man-shaped.

Did I see a ghost, or did my tired brain create a rose-pruning man out of the shadows?

The answer is clear to me now - but at the time I told everyone I'd seen a ghost. That sounded far more interesting - and I almost believed it myself.

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quotePosted at 08:13 on 31st July 2008

Don't go looking for answers, they will come to you , and you cannot force the issue.

Don't try to explain it, just accept it.

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John Ravenscroft
John Ravenscroft
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quotePosted at 08:54 on 31st July 2008

Don't you think trying to explain stuff is important, Wolf?

We both have computers - these amazing machines that allow us to communicate on websites like PoE. We have them because people in the past didn't just accept what they saw: they tried to explain it. It was trying to explain that led to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics etc.

In my experience, if you don't go looking for answers, you generally don't find answers.

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 13:30 on 31st July 2008
I am afraid that I have to disagree with Miss Blackmore too John.  Having had paranormal experiences myself I believe that there is something going on, even if I can't put a label on it.  How do you explain experiences such as Peter and Wolf had? I don't believe it was in their minds; If, as science is also coming to believe, that the past, present and future exist simultaneously, then maybe what they experienced was a momentary encounter with the past imposing itself upon the present?  I don't know, but I do think it's a fascinating subject.Also, how do we account for precognitive dreams?  Many years ago I had a dream that I was standing on a sidewalk somewhere and suddenly I felt something cold and wet touching the calf of my leg. When I turned around in my dream there was a small white puppy that had touched my leg with his nose.  The next morning I was waiting at the bus stop to catch a bus to work when suddenly I was startled by something cold and wet touching the calf of my leg, when I turned around there was the puppy from my dream of the night before.

That is the only dream of its kind that I've ever had but it impressed me enough to make me wonder about the dynamics behind such a random occurrence.

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Denzil Tregallion
Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 13:34 on 31st July 2008
Kevin does that to me Diana but its warm and wet and all
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 13:36 on 31st July 2008
I'm glad diana that your dream was one of little consequnce, per se, as some of mine heve been. Having said that, others have been quite frightening, and soon afterwards, i would find out why.  I've been beginnig to think it's not so much going into the future a tiny way, but there's more than one present time, and on the odd occasion, you go into one of them very briefly, before returning to our own. But, who knows.....
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John Ravenscroft
John Ravenscroft
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quotePosted at 14:06 on 31st July 2008

It is a fascinating subject, Diana. I've been interested in it for years.

I remember when I was a kid I read about telekinesis - the ability to move objects with your mind. I was the kind of kid who liked to try stuff out, so I rigged up a thin, bent wire with a square of cardboard stuck on the end of it. I figured that if telekinesis did exist, it wouldn't be a very powerful force, so I'd need to make the cardboard very easy to move - and it was.

I sat and concentrated hard for minutes on end - gave myself a headache - and eventually the cardboard twitched a little! I was delighted. I had the power!

But something was nagging away at me, because the moment it twitched was just a short time after my sister slammed the house door on her way out. I had a hunch that the door-slamming caused an air-movement, and it was that, not my mighty mental powers, that caused the effect.

Now, I really, really didn't want to test that theory. I wanted to have the power. I wanted to be special.

But I couldn't cheat. I eventually got my friend to slam the door like my sister had - and every time the door slammed, after a short delay my cardboard twitched.

My point is, most of us really want to believe in the paranormal. It's exciting! And we're reluctant to consider the more mundane possibilities.

But if we want to know the truth, we have to examine everything carefully and, before we say 'paranormal' we need to dismiss ALL of the 'normal' possibilities.

I know your dog dream seems weird, but if you examine the mathematics of coincidence you find such experiences are bound to occur fairly frequently.

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