Pictures of England


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Home Page?

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quotePosted at 21:10 on 6th April 2008
what do you have as your Home Page?  Is it this site??
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Location: England
quotePosted at 21:33 on 6th April 2008
Yes Roses, I have this Pictures Of England website as my homepage. It's great because I can see all the new pics coming in as they are accepted by Chris and Sarah. I know plenty of others have it saved as their favourite also, but the first option is the best!
My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 22:17 on 6th April 2008
Ron only does that so he can beat everyone else at the welcome message Rose. Crafty perrisher. lol. What do you expect from someone who keeps his wife tied up in the shower, just so she cant be first.
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 23:21 on 6th April 2008
I too have POE as my home page. It's one of the first things I see in the morning, after Richard Foord's picture of his Robin which I have as my wallpaper/background.
My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
Jen Strath
Jen Strath
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Location: Australia
quotePosted at 10:04 on 9th April 2008
No...I have a blank page as my home-page...I've found that if I have a page with pictures or text I get distracted and nothing gets done around the place.
My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
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