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UFO's. What's your take on them?

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 22:52 on 6th July 2008
Thanks, Karen.  That sweet little face is all of 2 inches across.
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Ray Stear
Ray Stear
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quotePosted at 08:51 on 7th July 2008
On 6th July 2008 12:34, Denzil Tregallion wrote:
Ray it was a helicoper whats all this nonsense then and all theyll be planes and weather baloons and bits of bread and rooks and frogs thats what and there arent any alans not in Redruth

Hi Andy,

No to a helicopter. This thing made no noise whatsoever.

Weather balloon, I have never seen one that produces and light and can move so fast. Re bits of bread. No, unless someone has a bl***y powerful pop up toaster. Rook, Nah, they have beaks. Frog? Hmm, I'll keep and open mind on that one, I have heard of 'flying frogs'.

 Finally, I know of at least three Alans in Bodmin. I bet there is an Alan somewhere in Redruth. Come out of the closet  Alan of Redruth, and declare yourself. we are all friends here!


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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 12:06 on 7th July 2008

Shag Harbor, Nova Scotia was the alledged landing site of an alan space probe in 1967.

Maybe the town's tourist industry was flagging a bit and needed a gee up?

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Miya Buttreaks
Miya Buttreaks
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quotePosted at 21:08 on 15th July 2008
Bobo thought he saw Jesus in the air once, but it weren't Jesus, it were jist the headlights from old Skeeter's car a shinin' on the tattoo on mama Neal's butt win she done bended over ta pick up little Cooter.
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 21:14 on 15th July 2008
So, mama Neal must have been a bit cheeky and possibly a revelation to Bobo? Glad to hear he got it nailled in the end, though.
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Denzil Tregallion
Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 21:33 on 15th July 2008
whats all this talk about Skeeter and all and Bobo and Cooter there strange names they are whys mama Neal got that tatoo and whats it of and all Mary<?
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Miya Buttreaks
Miya Buttreaks
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quotePosted at 13:22 on 16th July 2008

Paul: It twere a revelation to Bobo he were blinded fer purt near a week.  Ole doc Henry calleded it temp-or-ary blinded cause what Bobo was psyco-logic-ally damaged.

Denzil: Mama Neal was right old when Bobo saw her, an her butt was right wrinkley so it make Jesus look like a serial killer what they was a showin' on the boot tube, so it scareded Bobo somethin' awful.

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Shirley K. Lawson
Shirley K. Lawson
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quotePosted at 19:05 on 18th July 2008

 This thread is know there's an guy about 40 mins away from me that is getting world-wide known for his "Ranch" where UFO's buzz by, I've been up there twice now, during the day, I'm to chicken to go there at night so as to say..LOL!....but my expereinces up there were "different" and I felt like I was talking to an "prescence" in form kind, it seemed to "know" the thought of my "fear" in getting up there, as I was going up the major freeway some guy with dog in the car pulled over and let the dog out of the car into the driving lanes, and it literally ran out in front of us all going about 70 mph, the guy behind me may of hit it slightly, as he was stopping, and I didnt' see the dog on the road, I swerved to keep from hitting it and was struggling to gain control of my pickup truck I was driving at the time. I kept going, the middle of this road is no where to stop unless you have to. Anyway as I went to leave up there and I was talking to this lady, in the background I noticed swirling eagles or hawks off in the distance, which I had just read in an Native American book that they were symbols of an safe journey to see them..we both could not but help to notice them. Next time I went up there I saw what looked like the infamous "White Buffalo Calf" woman, they area, near Mt. Adams in Washington state is known for it's local native americans as well as it's UFO's. this is an area close to where they were seen back in 1947 also,and many reports since then. It is to mountainous for crop circles to be made though. I think they exist, and I have no idea from where. The latest is that we can "bend" light, that we can get from point A to B at the ends, which are closer to each other in time traveling, making space travel more accessible. But there is an lot of be said for other dimensions, an inner-earth civlization, and even for them to been the rememants of Nazi "master race" expereiments also. I think when the time is right that they will present themselves better then just in sightings perhaps. Interesint thread here. I have been following reports of them in England for some time now.   

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 19:18 on 18th July 2008
I have a couple of 1950s US books that, of course, refer to the Washington State sightings etc. way back then. Kenneth Arnold wasn't it?  If you go to our National Archives site, you can download our government reports covering many years of UFO sightings over here.
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 19:21 on 18th July 2008

Here you go Shirley, the link to hours of UFO reading if you download the reports as listed.




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