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UFO's. What's your take on them?

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Denzil Tregallion
Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 13:40 on 27th July 2008
hardly a new boy Ray and all
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quotePosted at 15:12 on 27th July 2008

Here's what Ray Mears does, for all those who don't know
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Ray Stear
Ray Stear
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quotePosted at 15:34 on 27th July 2008
That's what I do too Lyn.....Survive.!!
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Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 18:43 on 27th July 2008
On 6th July 2008 01:53, Ray Stear wrote:

On the subject of UFO's. I was driving a panda car in North Bedfordshire and stopped at an airfield at about 3 am to wind the seat back and examine the inside of my eyelids for a while.

I then saw a very bright light which appeared to come from the sky, something like a helicopter light sweeping the ground. There was no noise and the light shone down brightly for quite a while, then disappeared very quickly.

This whole incident quite shook me, and to this day I have no explanation for it. I drove off quickly and did not go back there for a long time. Incidentally, it was the airfield that Glen Miller flew from, when he disappeared on a journey to France during the war. 

When Roy Jackson wrote "Ray Spears tale about seeing bright, silentl lights, in the sky while on the night shift, reminded me of an incident....etc." do you think he made a typo and meant Ray Stear, referring to the posting above?

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Roy Jackson
Roy Jackson
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quotePosted at 22:22 on 27th July 2008

Yes, sorry for the confusion, I should have said Stear instead of Spear,

Again Sorry,

Regards Roy J

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 23:39 on 27th July 2008
No worries, Roy.  I found Lyn's link very interesting. You learn something every day don't you.
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quote | editPosted at 00:07 on 28th July 2008

Well, we got there in the end. Fascinating story, Roy. The highlight for me was your description of the night sky:

Eventually the whole of the sky was like a black velvet cloth sprinkled with minute diamonds, the milky way was a misty arch spreading across the heavens.

I have yet to witness such a sight as we suffer badly (as all cities do) from night light pollution.


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Shirley K. Lawson
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quotePosted at 04:07 on 28th July 2008

You know I have tried to figure out for years on end...Why England?.. for the crop circles, though mid-Canada has had them also, but when you consider the world in general it makes you wonder why they pick out certain places. The first tid-bit I picked up on concerning what I thought was "orbs" was way back when, an priest/hermit, supposedly living where they picked up the bluestones from Stonehedge near Wales. I know that England is rich in it's Ley lines and geomancy in general though. Threre's been some slgiht hints of an Giza like Pyramid under the water north of England, that there are such postioned around the world in general that were at one time "stations" for "operating" the earth, but it's only been once on that one and so long ago. I think that had to do with the Ambulic Web site that Linda Molton Howe use to belong to and report on, she does weird and unexpalined news, and she ussually does all the crop circles also. She goes over there for first hand reports. I have my own thoughts though about some of the things that are said about them. I've heard the English ones were caught on film as two small orbs flying about making them one night...not at all like the Phoenix Lights UFO's that I've heard of twice now, being an little over one mile in size, I don't think we have air flight technology to make something that big and fly sliently over an whole city of people...while they were watching. I consider that incident as important as the crop circle phenomen.  

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Jo Adams
Jo Adams
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quotePosted at 16:02 on 28th July 2008

Two blondes sitting outside looking at the night sky. 

"Which do you think is nearest to us, the moon or Florida?" one asked the other.

 "Hello - can you see Florida from here"

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Jo Adams
Jo Adams
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quotePosted at 16:02 on 28th July 2008
That should really have been in the Joke forum, but it seemed to fit in here quite well!
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