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Bob T
Bob T
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quotePosted at 18:48 on 14th January 2009

Madame, I may be drunk, but you dear lady are ugly...but I'LL be sober in the morning.

Winston Churchill

Edited by: Bob T at:14th January 2009 18:57
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Bob T
Bob T
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quotePosted at 18:49 on 14th January 2009

"If you were my husband, I'd poison you."

"Madam, If you were my wife I'd take it."

Winston Churchill

Edited by: Bob T at:14th January 2009 18:55
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 18:50 on 14th January 2009
Wasn't that Gone with The Wind?   ( top quote)....I guess not !

Edited by: Paul Hilton at:14th January 2009 19:05
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Bob T
Bob T
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quotePosted at 18:55 on 14th January 2009

"A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain."

Mark Twain

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Shirley K. Lawson
Shirley K. Lawson
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quotePosted at 18:55 on 14th January 2009

Who was the blonde bomb shell Hollywood actress of the 40's use to say..."Come on up and see me sometime!" in all her on the tip of my tongue and just cant' seem think of it. They use to have an real art in smoking also back in those days...long draw out lighting the cigarette.

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Bob T
Bob T
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quotePosted at 18:56 on 14th January 2009
That would be Mae West
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Bob T
Bob T
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quotePosted at 18:57 on 14th January 2009

"When I'm good, I'm very, very good...when I'm bad, I'm better."

Mae West

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Bob T
Bob T
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quotePosted at 19:01 on 14th January 2009
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. "
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quotePosted at 19:03 on 14th January 2009
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Bob T
Bob T
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quotePosted at 19:06 on 14th January 2009

Working hard again Isee, Krissy?



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