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Who was this Guy called Fawkes anyway?

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quotePosted at 07:57 on 5th November 2008

Halloween passed us by here, but 'Bonfire Night' is alive and kicking!  Some think maybe it would have been better if he'd succeeded in his plot!!????

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 08:37 on 5th November 2008
An interesting thought Lyn G!
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quote | editPosted at 10:51 on 5th November 2008
Interesting link Lyn, my mum always used to say it would of been better if he had succeeded in his plot. I can never quite understand why we celebrate Guy Fawkes but don't mind the night at all although it does turn my dog into a wreck and my fire work pictures are always a blurred disaster, I do get to have a nice fire and burn all my rubbish.
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quotePosted at 11:17 on 5th November 2008

I do get to have a nice fire and burn all my rubbish.  (Lyn B )

I think thats what Guy was trying to do Lyn. Laughing

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quotePosted at 11:49 on 5th November 2008

Traditional British

Remember, remember, the 5th of November
The Gunpowder Treason and plot ;
I know of no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.

Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes,
'Twas his intent.
To blow up the King and the Parliament.
Three score barrels of powder below.
Poor old England to overthrow.
By God's providence he was catch'd,
With a dark lantern and burning match

Holloa boys, Holloa boys, let the bells ring
Holloa boys, Holloa boys, God save the King!

Hip hip Hoorah !
Hip hip Hoorah !

A penny loaf to feed ol'Pope,
A farthing cheese to choke him.
A pint of beer to rinse it down,
A faggot of sticks to burn him.
Burn him in a tub of tar,'
Burn him like a blazing star.
Burn his body from his head,
Then we'll say: ol'Pope is dead.

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quote | editPosted at 12:13 on 5th November 2008
On 5th November 2008 11:17, Wolf wrote:

I do get to have a nice fire and burn all my rubbish.  (Lyn B )

I think thats what Guy was trying to do Lyn. Laughing

I think your right Wolf Laughing
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 14:44 on 5th November 2008
I posted some photos of Eastbury House in Barking where, so the story goes, the plot was actually formed and planned before the plotters  moved to London.
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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 14:46 on 5th November 2008
I wonder what England would be like if he had of gotten away with it? 
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 13:19 on 6th November 2008
Well Cathy---Guy proably had a friend named Del in Peckham who was a property developer and would offer to clear up what was left, then turn the Commons into a river-side block of apartments, to make a killing on the property market.  The government would look elsewhere for a new home, but found the Royal Stables in Whitlehall were already earmarked for developement as an open space for tourists with a big monument and 4 lions.  In desperation, they then moved into the waiting room of Victoria train station, which was less than ideal with train announcements interupting the speeches---though they were the only thing that actually made sense.  It was also the first time that train delay problems were recorded in Hansard, as everything heard was included in Parliamentary records of the day.
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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 13:24 on 6th November 2008
LOL at Paul. Great story! Would make a funny movie! Who would be cast as Guy? Undecided
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