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Funny accidents

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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 20:54 on 12th November 2008

Accidents can be serious and others at the time don't seem funny but years later you can have a laugh about them!

For example - Terry was driving down the lane by the woods and an electric wheelchair pulled out in front of him and he knocked the wheelchair over. The man in the wheelchair (thankfully) got up, brushed himself down, RAN to the wheelchair and whizzed off! Terry came back in terrible shock and we went to the police station just in case the man decided to report the accident. Terry couldn't understand how the man was so fit after he got up - did he cause a miracle? A few weeks later we saw the man again - he was a wheelchair tester for a local disabled aid company!


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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 21:03 on 12th November 2008

Another one - I was 22 I was driving down the road and a youth ran out in front of my car - I managed to brake but he collided with the car anyway. He was carrying 2 huge crates of eggs! He got up and his grandmother who was standing on the pavement shouted "Have you broken those eggs!"  I couldn't believe she was more worried about the eggs! He was OK - just a cut chin but I had egg and blood all over the front of the car!

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quote | editPosted at 21:18 on 12th November 2008

Those storeys are so funny Stephanie, I don’t think anything like that has ever happened to me, just silly little accidents that only amuse me, like a few years ago when our car was in the garage and me and hubby caught a bus home from the city, it was snowing and he stepped off the bus and slipped on his butt scattering all his bags and their contents around him, I couldn’t do anything but laugh hysterically, all these old ladies helped him pick up his shopping and one of them told me off for laughing which only made me worse. I still laugh to this day about it, funnily enough, he still doesn’t see the funny side. Laughing

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quotePosted at 21:23 on 12th November 2008
These are so funny!!!  Good thread Steph...and Terry!!!
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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 21:28 on 12th November 2008
That's great Lyn! Sometimes things that should be taken seriously are so hilarious! Come on Krissy - you must have a funny one to tell! The worrying thing is I have so many. I am a walking disaster area!
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quote | editPosted at 22:07 on 12th November 2008

Ohhhhhhhhh just thought of another, I guess I was about 14 years old and returning home with my friend from her house after a sleep over, we was on our bikes cycling along merrily, all these cars started beeping their hooters at us and mouthing things that I couldn’t work out, I was getting really annoyed thinking that we wasn’t doing anything wrong, I just happened to look behind me and to my horror saw all my clothes strewn on the road, my bag had come lose from the back of my bike and my clothes had fallen out, to see my night clothes and underwear on the road was bad enough but having to dodge cars to retrieve it all was mortifying. I can laugh about it now but couldn’t see the funny side for years after.

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Jean Pickersgill
Jean Pickersgill
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quotePosted at 14:27 on 13th November 2008

I don't know if you'll regard this as an accident but it still makes me laugh after all these years. When I was about thirteen years old Dad came back from the pub a bit worse for the wear. Full of fun he wobbled upstairs. I was under the bedclothes at the time listening to Radio Caroline when I heard Mum shriek and run out of their bedroom onto the landing. Hearing Mum cry out I thought they were having an argument and went to Mum's rescue only to find her sat at the top of the stairs tears streaming down her face with laughter. Apparently Dad had entered the bedroom and leapt across the bed onto his side of it, the bed had promptly collapsed, the bottom legs pointing to either side. As Dad had jumped into the bed Mum had jumped out, but Dad being too tired to care said - oh bother! (or words to that effect) and fell asleep at a forty-five degree angle. This is TRUE, and not something I have made up. They (my parents ) had been given a Victorian bed by my grandmother,  which was so high up off the floor you needed to use a ladder to get into it, so Dad had cut four inches off the legs to make it easier to get into. The bed legs had not been designed to take this kind of treatment so Dad woke up the following morning as stiff as a board and unable to remember why until he looked back at the bed. Needless to say he was in the "Dog House" for a couple of days, but Mum couldn't stay mad at him for long.

LOL - Jean Pickersgill (Pam Brooke's sister)        

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quotePosted at 14:31 on 13th November 2008
Can't think of anything offhand, mind you, my  memories not what it used to be lol
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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 17:11 on 13th November 2008

Great stories Lyn and Jean! I have a bed breaking story too Jean! When I was 21 I went away to Ibiza with my friend for a winter break. The one evening the door knocked and I opened it and a very drunk fellow pushed past me and collapsed onto my bed and broke it! My friend and I tried to lift him out but he was really heavy. In the end we shouted and shook him until he got up and staggered off down the corridor! The embarrassing thing was I had to go and tell hotel reception that my bed had broken and the giggled every time I walked past after that!

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Roy Jackson
Roy Jackson
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quotePosted at 00:49 on 14th November 2008

Some day I will tell you the story of the exploding 'netty', that's a toilet to anyone south of the River Tees.

Roy J

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