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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
Posts: 8072
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quotePosted at 20:22 on 25th April 2009
On 18th April 2009 18:56, michael gerrard wrote:

Some UK residents are always having a go at our National Health service (Mainly those with a financial interest in 'Private' Medicine).

Therein lies the problems over here, Michael.  Everything's "for profit," including hospitals. And the argument against the British style health care, derisively referred to over here as "socialized medicine" is just that - they use fear mongering to say we're going socialist, or communist.  What people fail to understand is that there is an ugly and evil extreme to capitalism too.  And it rears its ugly head when there is no longer a moral compass for "doing the right thing" and profit comes first.  For the richest nation on earth to have over 60 million people with NO healthcare coverage is a travesty.

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Beth Austin
Beth Austin
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quotePosted at 21:47 on 25th April 2009
I agree, Ruth, as I used to be part of that regime in the medical field. I have lived in england for going on 11 yrs now and have quickly learned(learnt) the difference between what we had in the states and what there is here in UK. I think you hit on one important term in the equation=socialist or communist. I do believe that many in the states equated social medicine as a form of communist ruled healthcare, and therefore americans were having none of it. To explain how it is far better to take care of each and everyone's medical needs, even at the cost of increased tax to do that, would sound more like a scam in the states. I say this because I have been back there many times and have spoken to some medical professionals who would LOVE to go to socialized medicine but that isn't allowed. The answer? Just have to keep trying to educate the general population as to the 'accurate ' meaning of socialized medicine. I know the health care industry, pharmacutical industry and others including lawyers would absolutely scream  about a change to socialized medicine, but it is good for all.
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