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quotePosted at 19:44 on 6th August 2009

Dance around this tree that is? 

The things some people believe in. Great trees though!  

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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 19:58 on 6th August 2009
just read the article,wow,   yet,i would if i had enough newcastle Brown Ale,or even better,Guiness! 
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Barbara Shoemaker
Barbara Shoemaker
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quotePosted at 20:00 on 6th August 2009
I imagine if one stepped into the path of a car on the road on one of their circuits around the tree, one might indeed see the devil!  And sooner than expected!
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quotePosted at 20:03 on 6th August 2009
I guess it would depend on whether you have been  good or not eh Barbara? Innocent
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 20:14 on 6th August 2009
no icon for face with horns !!
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 20:39 on 6th August 2009
Wow, that's pretty amazing!
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 21:11 on 6th August 2009

Been past this tree countless times just south of Marlborough, and a couple of years ago, steel bands were put around its' trunk to help it. That's a 60 mph road next to it, so dancing around it might be a bit hazardous. Jane Seymour's Dad John, is buried the other side of the forest at Great Bedwyn.

I think it was at her brother's house in Hampshire, Henry and Jane got married after awaiting news that wife Anne Bolyn had been executed first.

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 22:05 on 6th August 2009
On 6th August 2009 20:14, Richard Sellers wrote:
no icon for face with horns !!

  My favourite evil smilie 

And another.

And a bit of both good and bad 

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 22:08 on 6th August 2009
And to answer your question, Babs, if I danced naked around that tree, I don't think even the devil would come for a look.
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Jason T
Jason T
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quotePosted at 22:43 on 6th August 2009
I've been past this tree a few times! its a great tree!!  rough camped in savernake forest too, drove the old campervan into the middle and camped!  naughty i know but great. dancing naked around it!!???!  its WAY to close to the road!! Laughing
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