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quotePosted at 13:16 on 27th January 2010

the so-called 'Independant' ( Tory witch-hunt, lol) Inquiry into the British entry to the Invasion of Iraq is fast becoming a television 'farce' with highly paid (tax payers money), ex-government non elected 'advisors' legal Reps and military leaders jumping ship to distance themselves from any blame for Britain assisting the Americans and the United nations in their attempt to tople Sadam Hussain.

These 'spineless' individuals should be hung, drawn and quartered as they would have been in the past.

We can all sit back and make the judgement now, after the event and ask was it worth the effort and loss on all sides. But these individuals would be first in the queue if honours or medals were being handed out.

The 'circus' climaxes this coming Friday when ex-primeminister Tony Blair is in the chair. All seats are 'sold' and even families of some of those that lost their lives in the conflict have a special room set aside (perhaps some are bringing their knitting as they did at the French guilotines)

This is not a trial but an inquiry and again being paid for by the tax-payer.

No doubt they will put gordon Brown in the chair just before the election run up to try to score more 'Brownie' points.

We didnt see this 'farce' following the last war (although Churchill lost the election) or the falklands conflict (although Thatcher was trown-out by her own party). And we didnt see proud reletives who had lost their kin parading in such a manner .


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