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Now shoppers could be asked to make donations to Charity each time they use their plastic!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 09:55 on 29th December 2010

What a b....y cheek, what will they come up with next?

My understanding is that the National Lottery was set up to fund Charitable Organizations, so whats gone wrong there, or are they not making payments any longer because Mr & Mrs Average can't now afford to play the lottery, thus the 'profits' are down?

Like most I suspect, we do make donations to Charity but it's at our discretion and shall remain so!

I say GET LOST with your proposal.

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quotePosted at 11:13 on 29th December 2010

With banks charging for each transaction, plus service fees etc., I wonder if they are hoping to get their cut from administering the percentage to go to charity? 

I wonder how much would actually be passed on to any charities?? 

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quotePosted at 15:43 on 29th December 2010
Charity begins at home!!!! Stop wasting our Tax money on foriegn aid when we need it ourselves! I for one will help anyone in distress but some/many just take us for granted as a soft touch. FAR TOO MANY CHARITIES OUT THERE!!!!!! 
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 21:31 on 29th December 2010

Mr and Mrs Average probably can't afford to play The Lottery as since the Boxing Day sales started, Britons have been spending £ Billions in the shops.  In one northwest London shopping centre alone reported their sales were running at £10,000 per minute. 

I guess with rising unemployment, wage freezes and cuts, it is clearly getting harder to make ends meet-----unless you're going to the sales apparently. . 

Edited by: Paul Hilton at:29th December 2010 21:33
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 00:32 on 30th December 2010

My guess Paul is that retail shopping is lying..but then again some of them had things on sale 70 per cent off....and if you needed anything it was an good buy. I know how you all feel on this charities thing though...I've supplied an whole house last summer for my kids...we didn't get but dinner our from them this Christmas and she's boldly told me today she just bought them an new king sized bed...though again they are on slae right now about $600 less. So I guess if you need an new bed, this is about the time to be getting it. And the lady that does the mattress sell on tv constantly also supports foster kids throughout the year in Christmas Toys, coats in the wiinter and school daughter in-law was raised by her older married sister as well and her younger sister as an "foster child"...which means like the hispanic's... she was "farmed out" to other family to be raised.... so her own parents didn't have to pay an dime.. That is something my son never had to face. It is an problem with her in her lifestyle now...because most foster kids never have to worry abou tthier own up-keep or where whatever it is they need...such as medical care is going to be coming from in pocket do you see why my son ended up taking an $60,000 medical bankruptcy recently...seh has no qualms about running for medical help at the slightest and the medical people have no qualms about charging her top dollar...just most employers refuse to pay for this kind for service So it is they ruined my son's credit liine for him in thier greed..I still am not sure that they did not double bill him...or my hubby on his last day when he went in...he had already checked to see if the procedure was paid for and some months later they said he still owed them money....double billing is an fraud the medical society is doing now that needs legislation slapped on it as well as over-charges. this was something they were starting ot institute when I left the nursing home scene in 1977,,,along with the "new" suggestive hypotizem to tell people they were "OK" and weren't. The newspaper the other day caught an nursing home doing in home hospice hypnotizing the elderly and telling them they were "warm" and had them living in houses at 50 said some of those patients were stripped down in shorts because they were to "warm" ...and getting pneumonia off the 50 degree weather in the process. I left that nursing home with them hot on my trail to want to fire me for turning them into the state health board...they wanted me to wash linens in cold water without anything to kill the germs in them, such as bleach even....they had already turned down the washing temperatures and denied me chemicals to sanitze them. If anyone was me they wanted to blame for not doing my job correctly as the supervisor. I turned them in to the state andtold them I was kind of being blackmailed in my job. they were there the next day for an two week "special" inspection of the place..but they kept me confidential. I read later on, they then went to California doubling the state and the pateints...and the state kicked them clean out of there by revoking their business liscense. these guys own and operate some 47 nursing homes through the western United States.It might not be to bad an thing to do today...but back then we had nothing out for paitents to have accidents on and leave feces/unrine and also bed sores directly on the linens...but "ME" As it was they turned out to be tail coats and cost the facilty to close in the end and now it has changed hands several times over. But some of those people are still around I know took on look at my hubby and I in "scouting" and left our chapter to have hsi son go through it via an local church chapter. He just took one look at me and smile and never showed up with his son ever again...guilty conscious????Let' s hope so! Though I'm not the kind of person to tell the entire community like I am you people right now about this sort of thing going on....though I am having problems with our medical not being trumped up in charges...though so far our Medical Insurance has said nothing do I pay until it goes through them first...and they sent the medical insurance an billing that said there was no "co-pay" made and I most certainly did pay them $50 before they would even look at me...and we keep close in contact on everything in medical services to me. They have before refused to pay for trumpted up prescriptions they fulfill my prescriptions needs now also.  

Charities....yes, some are good...and some aren't and while you people say your not getting any would be surprised at the places that we send out money out world-wide but can't get an dime of help here in our own country. Some of those kids do need help..but some of us say...and what about our "own"? People question how much of the money is going for help and the top guy's benefits also in the organizations. I had an freind one time that quit the Cancer Society for the money their CEO made yearly over that going to the research of Cancer to stop it...she had supported that cause for over 20 years loyal and true..Some are saying that about the Red Cross also these days...for every $1 they collect. about 10 cents is going to help people...the rest being admiistrative costs/supplies and research that they never seem to find the cure for an dam thing. If they do they make the public pay big bucks to endure an possible cure. You can always tell...they give about 3 years from time of sickness to death as if they have it well planned these days for the elderly. My mother...3 years to her dad...about tha tto liitle less...because he signed an "allow self-death" if there's incurable problems encounter...welll they made them....and my freind...3 years from the time they chemtailed sprayed over her house to her cancer ordeal and her death....about the same time for her husband new "Heart" condition. People must be out of their minds to not notice this. Brother in-law...about three years with his lung problems. But anyway.....

Ron..your right...this is "dicatatorship" slipping through the back door....good luck on stopping it for the "rights" of people that can not pay due to economic conditions right now. Those whom are forutnate enough to help...let them donate...because over here...contributions are for the most part "tax deducatible" ...they get theiir money back while as I say.... when they face "God" on thier "good works" he will be saying...I know you si nothing for those of you that have to share what you have, there is nothing devine in doing is when you give when you could not afford to that your blessed. That blessing.... see's help given to these people.

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Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 00:48 on 30th December 2010

God see's to it people get what they earn...and now you know why the bankers went broke...and most likley will conitinue to... depsite all the money they are reality they have given nothing...they need to roll back their credit card interest by at least 10 per cent. Then they won't have any problems with people using credit cards....there also will be no problem in the economy either. Less people have...the less they spend...less wages they have....less they spend...we make our own problems and most of it starts with greed......the bankers have already taken the money and invested it to make more money from Obmam's "gift" to them when he took office....they can afford to roll back those interest rates on thier own.

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quotePosted at 16:35 on 30th December 2010
Those with no money are still using there credit cards, possibly to beat VAT rises next month. Those with money are taking advantage of cheap bargains, posibly to sell on at over-inflated prices to those who cant afford to buy them in the first place, or money laundering. lol
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Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 19:52 on 31st December 2010

Well, I took  out an credit card yesterday to get an extra 20 per cent off...rather I keep it or not remains to be seen as I'm trying to pay our cards off before hubby year...I have to find some way to cut out $1,000 an month expenses by then. In the purchasing process yesterday for $87 I saved $116 something from normal costs...I didn't really save an thing but they like to make you think you did..just I paid about 60 per cent off buying Holiday clothing...mostly warmer coat/jacket to give my growing grandson for next his birthday comes up here soon. In all he got an pair of sports pants, mactching surfboard type top and fleece jacket for over it and an thermal underwear top with an heavy plaid shirt that has an hood and is lined with black furry lining. hubby an new shirt for his brithday..which was not on sale. My grandson will need these throughout the year i his Scout outtings...and it's hard to buy winter and warmer clothing in summer....but around here if you have an weekend outting it can still get pretty cool up near the mountains at night. He could stand to grow some and be more his 4 year old younger brother is about to out size him thesedays...which will or already does his bother ego somewhat in holding his own amoung his sibliings.  

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Beth Austin
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quotePosted at 23:32 on 31st December 2010

I don't think any of us have any problem giving to someone in need, however, I do think we have become more cautious or aware of who-where-why we seem to be constantly asked for donations to groups we have never even heard of, let alone those we do know here in this country.

It has always been the genuine charities in need whom we have supported in various ways but I question some of the charites or so-called charities with their requests for financial support when it is clearly noted in their annual declarations of spending that the upper echelon staff etc receive ££££££ far greater than many of our own paychecks. This I have difficulty justifying making monetary donations to these groups.

It's just my view on it.....I don't mind donating to needy groups.

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Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 22:07 on 5th January 2011

You  know someting...most the retailers here in town know that the kids use to call me "mom".... even though one of the school teachers looked surprised the first time she heard it...but when I helped these kids...they really needed the help...and sometimes it was for the most rediculous things...but they needed the help. An charity might not of been what they needed...take for instance the kid came over my house starving to death...his parents...whom are farily well off to do... went back east on an business trip and left him the house to take care of...which he locked himself out of by mistake...he couldn't break in it with the secuirty system they had....didn't want to call his mom and dad..they were thousands of miles away and couldn't of helped anyway...and he didn't want to fulfill their expectations of him being irresponsible. So after he locked himself out...he went to stay here and there with freinds...overnighter and go to school together the next the weekend...he'd ran out of of them happened to be at my house. He came over telling us he'd spent the night in in his own kiddie treehouse..but hadn't had an thing to eat..and we fed him and I mean I didnt' think he was ever gonna stop .He downed an pizza like it was nothing..went on to veggies and dip like he was in paradise...and I gave him some food to take with him also. This is an kind of "charity" that charities don't do for you here... unless your homeless or on welfare help. His parents came back...they never knew he'd locked himself out...he learned an great lesson in life...and came back and gave me $20 for helping him with the food. He's one of the rare ones..but as I said..some retailers that know me also have helped in the past with the kids. One closing down his business...I was looking for an back pack for an kid named Gary going to live with his dad back east on his truck...I asked the retailer what he had for not to much money and that I'd probably never see the kid again..and he just said..pick one's yours. So I gave it to Gary. He went back married works for an farming conglamorate in the farming fields up in Michigan.. last I heard... and is doing very well...has an couple of kids also. He'is now an middle class "white" parent. We all need "help" sometimes. It is an blessings when its returned beleive me. In "spirit-web" we use to have this $ questions asked "help"... and you participated.. only if you could spare the money. I did that one time also...and to my sent it back when I was in the hospital having my Gall Bladder operation, I never even asked for help...and it's "nice" to know others "care". As the message said..".This is for you...let's keep humanity alive amoung us all...get well now... and see you soon at spirit-web". There is no middle man with his fee's  and there is no forced upon you circumstances.. to just being an good samaritan if the occasion arises. This is what life is all about.

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