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January 2011 - Unemployment Up Again!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 14:37 on 19th January 2011

Well what do they expect?

Get a grip David Cameron before the Tory Party are history at Number 10 also! Can't you see that you are handing it back to Labour within 5 years because the people are so fed up, destroyed, totally destroyed by tax hikes that we are supposed to endure?

I feel so sorry for the kids of today who go to School, Sixth Form, Uni you name it they have an unbelievable uphill struggle on their hands. Some don't want to work I know, but the average youngster wants to get on. There is however, despair everywhere they look.

Why not do as they did in Hong Kong - That is Reduce the massive tax burden on the people of this Country?

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 17:46 on 19th January 2011

It's the same here, Ron. In the US they announced that unemployment rates had gone down in January, but then they printed a retractment because they realized that they had not taken into account the number of people who are still out of work but whose unemployment benefits had simply run out.

They also didn't take into account the number of people who simply stopped looking for work due to discouragement and depression. It's a much bigger percentage than I would have imagined. Shocking really!

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quotePosted at 11:12 on 20th January 2011
Breaking news here in England.  job centre staff to go on two-day strike because they have too much work on and its going to get worse. not a lot of sympathy for them realy, most are arogant and treat unfortunate clients like dirt. Seeing that most JC staff, as with other civil servants about to loose their jobs in the cuts, voted for this Government. Pay-back time.
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quotePosted at 11:19 on 20th January 2011
Dont realy think this government is bothered about getting back in, in  2014 Ron, by that time they would have changed all the laws, lined their pockets and the 'fat cats' would have banked all their gains, overseas were many already live now. And they wont want to sleep with the Libs again!
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 12:14 on 20th January 2011
On 20th January 2011 11:12, lancashirelove wrote:
most are arogant and treat unfortunate clients like dirt.

Same here, Michael. Shortly after being laid off my job a year ago, I made an appointment to speak to one of the job center staff about additional training, thinking that it would broaden my prospects for viable employment.

On the day of said appointment, I arrived early, neatly dressed as I would be to go in for a job interview. A woman came out to meet me and I gave her a bright smile and held out my hand. She completely ignored the offer of my hand, didn't return my smile, and grunted for me to follow her.

I followed her to her cubicle and sat down. She asked me what I was there for and I explained. Before I could finish my explanation she interrupted me and asked (stone faced all the while), "Are you seeing adds in the paper for the kind of work you do?" "Yes." I replied. "Are you getting any interviews?" "A few." I answered. "Then you don't qualify for assistance."She barked. "As long as your line of work is still a viable field and there are job adds looking for that type of worker, you are not eligible for additional help."

I assumed that meant if I wanted to get additional training for new skills I would have to pay for it myself. I asked her if this were so and again she practically barked a no at me. She then proceeded to tell me, with a hint of smugness, that it wasn't a question of money but time.

According to her, if I were caught going to school or taking training classes I would be jeopardizing my unemployment benefits because they consider the time spent training as time that could be spent looking for employment. Therefore, if I sought additional training, I would lose my unemployment.

I walked out a bit stunned and feeling not a little humiliated. It was an awful experience. The experience of job loss and unemployment is hard enough on one's sense of worth. It doesn't help when the people who are supposed to be there to help you are so rude and treat you like your scum.

Can you tell this still bothers me a bit?! ;-) LOL

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