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Long Lost Relative's

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 20:02 on 12th September 2011
on saturday i will be going to a 50th surprise birthday party for a cousin of mine who live's nearby --at this  "do " there will be relative's of mine old aunt's/cousins who i have not seen for 50-55 yrs it will be something i am looking forward to--are there any member's who have not seen kin-folk for as many yrs.
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quotePosted at 21:08 on 12th September 2011
Nope!  Not that are still alive anyway!  Sounds like a fun reunion or gathering of the clans, enjoy it!!
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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 21:12 on 12th September 2011

Not quite that long, but some for quite a considerable period. Have a good and enjoy meeting the all again

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 22:10 on 12th September 2011
I've got loads I haven't seen in 40+ years plus quite a few more since I would imagine, I don't even know exist. I'd be very suprised if I ever see any of them. 
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 23:15 on 12th September 2011

Be smart and take an little hand book with you and get them to tell you as much as they can about what they remember growing up on an bit of everything...from family to events. So it can be reembered. I just ran across an article in Jackie clays column, about preserving food from an ancestor by another person...called "dry heat" canning.It was apparently done for her grand-mothers generation, she's an older woman now. Back when they often time didn't have refrigeration because they often times didn't have electricity...depending on where they lived. It comes in handy these days also, not only to keep the utility prices down, but should there ever be an Solar Flare large enough to knock out the grid, people would need to know how to do this. I just read an article about an man that has invented "Solar Panel Highways"...that pick up the sun and distribute it into the houses on each side of the street and as he mentioned....there's long stretches of roadway across the country that gets sun continually...and could it literally supply an almost free energy to us all?... think how much that would save Shopping Malls in electicity and air-conditioning expenses alone...or high rise office buildings...or even heating costs for the retired.

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quotePosted at 14:14 on 13th September 2011

Good Day! "To the flight of United #264 and the World Trade Center may they all rest in peace!" To retire in a place overseas! Enjoy the day!


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