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UKIP are gaining ground, fast!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 11:20 on 6th August 2013
Yes, he was once part of the Tory Party
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Edward Lever
Edward Lever
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Posted at 13:18 on 6th August 2013
Unfortunately, the present Tory Party / Coalition is uselessly wet. Cameron is a nice chap but makes a fool of himself and does the country a disservice in trying to please everybody. The old Tory Grandees (Norman Tebbit, Michael Heseltine, Geoffrey Howe etc) had the right idea. 
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:33 on 7th August 2013

UKIP man says stop sending money to Bongo, bongo land and don't employ women of childbearing age.

Two statements that I totally agree with. 1). We haven't got the money to look after our own so why are we sending it elsewhere and 2) Because of the stupid laws made where 'men and/or women' get 12 months 'maternity leave' what employer can actuallt afford to employ them?

In my day the girls got about 6 weeks maximum and were back to work!

Would I employ them?


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Edward Lever
Edward Lever
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Posted at 09:05 on 7th August 2013

Ron, I assume you are refering to the comments recently made by Godfrey Bloom, MEP. I have my doubts as to whether his extremist comments will help UKIP. There are many 'middle of the road' voters who see some value in overseas aid (there is a  hidden Defence agenda in giving aid to certain countries to counter radicalisation). Also any move against the employment of women is a certain vote loser, because the main increase in employment recently has been in part-time jobs for women.

An employer can reclaim some or all of the Statutory Maternity Pay from HMRC, depending on his exact tax circumstances, so it is misleading to say the burden rests with the employer.  

Edited by: Edward Lever at:7th August 2013 09:07
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George Woodward
George Woodward
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Posted at 10:56 on 7th August 2013


            regarding overseas aid,many many people in this country,working for the public sector,have been made redundant,or to put it bluntly,sacked,in the name of austerity.Just say the government sack workers and cut the wages bill by 20 million pounds,those workers are unable to find further employment and unable to pay their mortgage are out of house and home.That 20 million pounds is given away in overseas aid,try telling that to people put out of a job and house and home that their future has been sacrificed to give the money away overseas.

 When I am asked now a days to give money to charity,for a cause overseas,I just say the government is giving my donation in the 12 billion pounds in overseas aid.Money I might add is borrowed to give away .It's about time this country looked after the people who have paid taxes all their life and stop loking after all and sundry overseas,when does the giving ever stop?

  Money given to China and India,who are better off than us,it's ridiculous and it shows that the overseas aid section of the government is irrisponsible or it would not happen.

  Another way to look at it is that people overseas must think Britain is a wonderful place and very rich giving all this money away,no wonder they want to come here and share in it.Show 'em people going to food banks,show 'em people homeless,show 'em the true picture of Britain,people denied drugs on the N.H.S. of the cost,tell 'em of how we are relying on France for millitary support,tell of how our army personell are being sacked to save money.

 To sum up,people here come always come first,sort this country out. 

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Edward Lever
Edward Lever
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Posted at 12:17 on 7th August 2013

In reality, the aid budget is not large compared with, say, spending on the NHS (which is about ten times the total overseas aid) or state pensions (which is about seven times the total overseas aid).

Obviously aid is an emotive topic, but for those receiving food or healthcare in parts of Africa it is lifesaving. I regard it as good value to save life compared with the cost of the NHS which often seems to end life for those who enter its gates.

Sorting this country out is essential, but there are areas of much greater waste within uk government spending than the aid budget.  


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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 14:20 on 7th August 2013

Yes Edward I was refering to the comments recently made by Godfrey Bloom, MEP

But, extremist comments? Who says so, why should he be labelled extremist for having and/or voicing his opinion? He was elected as an MEP so just how extremist do the people who put him there think he is? They probably don't think that way and probably do hope he will continue in the same vein

We need people like that, but we don't need the troublemakers who will inevitably shout 'extremist' when the slightest rough edge comment is made, and that's not aimed at you Edward either, but too many latch onto 'words' without necessarily thinking about what they actually mean. Sometimes the words perhaps 'sound good'.

I would vote for Godfrey Bloom anytime, rather than the 'toffs' that we currently have destroying us.


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Edward Lever
Edward Lever
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Posted at 15:47 on 7th August 2013

I see Nigel Farage is now distancing himself from Godfrey Bloom's reference to 'Bongo Bongo' land countries, perhaps sensing that the accusations of UKIP as racists may be confirmed by the uttering of such phrases.

Whether one likes it or not, England has become a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic society, and needs to be inclusive.  Exhortations for people to 'go home', to wherever that may be, are of little relevance to the second or third generation children of immigrant families. This year I attended the Oxford Carnival where the Cowley Road is closed for the day and was very pleased to see families of  English, Caribbean, African, Nepalese, Indian, Pakistani, and Chinese backgrounds to name but a few, enjoying music and food together in a good natured way. 

England has a fine tradition of tolerance, although this was abused by Labour under Gordon Brown in encouraging mass immigration to secure Labour votes. I fear for this country that the tradition of tolerance is coming under strain. It is true that recent events have fuelled tensions, particularly with reference to the Islamic extremists. That there has not been a significant backlash is a tribute to the tolerance of society in general. Likewise, I would hope that our heritage will make it impossible for anything like Kristallnacht to ever occur on our island. I am not sure that Godfrey Bloom would share this view,  being known to share a glass of wine with Marine le Pen.

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George Woodward
George Woodward
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Posted at 11:18 on 9th August 2013

I have been reading of the things which our foreign aid funds.

RWANDA=two private jets for £60million,rolex watches,£12,000 a night hotel suites.

UGANDA=£30million private jet,6 Russian fighter planes for £500 million.

GABON=£85million on 14 bedroomed property in Paris,plus a further39 properties again in Paris.

CONGO=multi million pound properties in Paris.

There are more countries listed which also spent money on luxury cars and the like and money stolen.

 Isn't it nice to know our money,which the government borrows is being spent on such things,is it any wonder that we in this country are so angry about foreign aid. 

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George Woodward
George Woodward
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Posted at 11:22 on 9th August 2013
Reading of the thoughts of Godfrey Bloom,I would vote for him on a lot of what he stands for,it's about time some one stood up for the people of this country.He is saying it as it is,none of this "political correctness" of which there is far too much.
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