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The Urban Fox problem will continue!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 18:34 on 10th February 2013

Reports of children being attacked and bitten by the Urban Fox will continue!

Why, because we silly 'Brits' love interacting with our pets (to start with) and then move onto 'Ah, look at that poor little Fox, Squirrel in the garden he's hungry, I'll leave some food out for him'.

The Fox is not to be messed with and neither should you leave food scraps outside for them, because they will inevitably take your kids pets such as Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Chickens and Babies given the opportunity! Babies you scream, but the reality is the child weighs no more than a family cat and the Fox has no trouble taking them, it's simply a case of survival.

Squirrels in the garden, feeding from the bird table will happily enter your roof space, rip up your insulation for their nest and if your really lucky they won't chew through the pvc cables carrying the electricity, thus setting fire to your home.

Call in a professional pest control company to sort the problem out before it gets out of hand, more importantly before it costs you more than the food that you put out!

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quotePosted at 18:54 on 10th February 2013
I read of a fox in the news today which had bitten a 6 month babies finger off, and just near London of all places!  That's scary!!
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 20:06 on 10th February 2013

Hi CathyML.

Yes, it was the same report that prompted me to start the thread, plus the fact that I have many years experience in the pest control industry.

I was dealing with this sort of Urban infestation 15/20 years ago, the first ever in a Convent here in Oxford where the Fox was taking their chickens. I got up early one morning and was waiting for it with a shotgun as it took it's usual route to the hen house.

London in particular has a big problem with Foxes. Here in Oxfordshire we have similar problems except the owners and/or residents of the properties often see them as pets and feed them, the wrong thing to do!

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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 20:17 on 10th February 2013
We have a family of foxes in the public park behind the house, but whilst I like looking at them we never leave food out for them. They mey be a very pretty animal but at the end of the day they are wild and cane be very vicious
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 22:47 on 10th February 2013
6 nights a week, Reading has a large drinking fraternity that arrive from all over going to the clubs and pubs. By 2AM, many of them get chucked out and off they go to various takeaways. Much of it is half eaten and what isn't is just thrown in the street. Then around 4 to 5 AM, the foxes and the rats come out to see what they can find for breakfast in the town centre of Reading. I wonder if this clubbing crowd realise how much the foxes and rats appreciate them throwing food all over Reading's streets in the small hours ? 
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 23:09 on 10th February 2013
I must agree with you there Paul--i am very fortunate where i live there are no take-aways and no food outlets so we dont see any litter or the     remains of rubbish food.
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Edward Lever
Edward Lever
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quotePosted at 00:44 on 11th February 2013
Paul, you are a brave man to be out on the streets of Reading in the early hours ! Personally, I would not want to be there much after dusk, there is enough trouble from human rats and foxes, never mind the animals.
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 02:11 on 11th February 2013

The foxes used to decimate our chicken run at times when I lived up Shotover. They'd kill eight and take one.  Still, for me, that was life living in the countryside. 

As for urban foxes, you are right. They should not be feeding the foxes for sure. Its just nature for them to take what they can get, so don't give them the chance.  

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 03:19 on 11th February 2013

It's good to see you Paul....I have been thingking about you....and the name you gave me sometime ago....the "Langhorn" papers are closed over here...can you direct me to finding information out about the ones that came over here, probably were stripped of the land they had from the Rev. War era and went back to where they might of gone. I see you might be related also.

Fox's...I am doing genealogy work on them here lately with reguard to the Taylor/Adair family...military lineage....I'm guessing they helped to set up Fort Loudon during the French an Indian War perhaps.  Another one that's English and has an native american wife. We had two linda Fox's in town was very pretty...I don't know if she was the one that was raped or not. The little girl I raised had an Linda Fox connection of some kind...I think she was the pretty one...don't know if he was the one that died in the morotcycle accident or not Roy Donnison. That Linda died recently...was an diabetic...left an only son that went into the miltary..good looking fella also. The child's father never lived with the family, I take it someone might of been the father in that group, though they knew everyone in town..and are related to everyone in town. Including the guy that briefly dated my widowed mother in-law for ran bit. Barbara(Payne) Fox was an sister in-law to Cathy Shorr ..m. Kenneth Payne....her hubby (Willard Fox) supposedly spent most of this time in prison for an likewise crime. We went to school with these people at one time...knew them all. One of the traits of beign "indian" is amoung them what they call "rape" because they never stay around ver long because of their
warrior" traits I guess you could call it...and this subject of the Native American "fertilty" is played out as seuxally promiscus also at times.It might be nice when we can all move our thinking. Cathie's real mother and her step-dad, if still alive.. were living in Lake Oswego. Cathie "brain-wise" could run circles around Kenny.

 As to the furry red things called "foxes" I stopped seeing them in our area with the new housing projects that went in around Kelly Creek...some down the hill and an 1/4 mile away. But once, when the area was remote yet to housing...I heard what sounded to me like that "banshee yell" of an "bigfoot" and made me freeze solid in my tracks....we all had big dogs around back then also. I'm glad my kids have big dogs around also at times where they live.  One reason we decided to fence in the yard though. They outlawed raising chickens around town's a thing the ladies were doing for fresh eggs and city hall said they didn't have the people to keep check on if people were keeping thier chicken coops clean an santiary and decided to out law people from having them. So goes. Flax seed makes an alternative to "eggs" for baking with though. Crush them up with an tablesppon of water and you can still make muffins and cakes..probably healithier ones also. .

Edited by: sk lawson at:11th February 2013 03:26
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Peggy Cannell
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quotePosted at 20:23 on 11th February 2013
Never  seen  a fox
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